Chapter 13: Road to the Chunin Exams

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Welcome everyone to another amazing chapter written by the handsome Dark Dragon Emperor!

So a lot of you guys liked that Kushina and her daughter were alive, if your reviews were anything to go by. Though some of you had decided to send messages to me saying that I was...ruining the storyline. To those people I say this:

This is MY story where I decide what to do and who to keep alive. People like you don't matter to me, so if you don't like what I'm doing, leave.

Now that that's done, let's move on to another matter. Many of you are questioning who the father was for Natsumi. I say this, there was no rape involved while Kushina was kept in ROOT, and it DEFINITELY wasn't Danzo. If you can't remember, all of the ROOT members were forced to abandon their feelings and the like, so they have no drive to have sex unless it was a mission that they had to do. The father's identity will be revealed this chapter, and I know you guys are going to be relieved.

Now then, on with the show!

(Training Ground 8)

Naruto was sitting in a tree while he waited for the rest of his team to show up. It had been a month since he was reunited with his mother and sister and couldn't be happier, not even the special Sharingan training with Kakashi was that exciting. What was even better was the fact that Tsunade was right and that Natsumi woke up the same week that Kushina did. However, the meeting didn't go as he thought it would...

(Flashback-Konoha hospital)

Naruto was visiting his mother again. She was telling him about her being the previous Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, much to his shock.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Naruto asked the ancient beast inside of him.

"I never DID pay attention to what you looked like when you were born, so I never knew," Kyuubi explained.

"Hey, did the old fuzzball ever give you the Summoning Contracts?" Kushina asked.

Naruto tilted his head in confusion and asked, "What contracts?"

"Hey Fuzz Butt!" Kushina yelled. "Hurry up and offer my Sochi the Summoning Contracts already!"

"Disrespectful woman!" Naruto heard the Kyuubi roar, "Get in here kit so she can stop yelling!"

The next thing Naruto knew, he was standing in the ankle deep water of his mindscape, staring up at the towering figure of the Kyuubi. In the Bijuu's paw were two large scrolls. The first one looked like any other scroll, but the other one was made out of a golden paper of some sort, and adorned with numerous crystals that all shone in different colors.

"I though that I was only getting one contract?" Naruto wondered.

"You are, this other one is just something that I want to see. I'll explain more of it if you can open it all the way," Kyuubi explained. "Now take the first one and sign it, it's the Kitsune Summoning Contract."

Naruto eagerly grabbed the normal contract from the Kyuubi's paw and opened it, seeing that not a lot of people signed it, only a few names were there. Naruto bit his thumb and wrote his name on the contract before pressing his handprint underneath his name.

"Congratulations, you are now an official Kitsune Summoner. I'm sure that my second family will be very happy to help you," Kyuubi said. "Just ask Kushina to help you with the Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

""You're the leader of these summons?" Naruto asked.

"Yes I am," Kyuubi confirmed. "All of the Bijuu have a Summoning Clan of their own and are the Boss Summons of them. However, some Summons broke away from the original families. The who split apart are the Cats, Turtles, Monkeys, and Slugs."

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