Chapter 1

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Alec POV
I woke up on Friday when my alarm went off and I groaned loudly. Why do I have to go to soccer practice so early?!
I got out of my warm big bed and walked to the bathroom.
I took a quick cold shower and brushed my teeth.
I looked in the mirror.
Most people wouldnsay I'm handsome, some say hot, with my black hair and blue eyes, which is a rare combination. I don't think I'm so handsome though.

I put on my soccer gear and made my way out of the bathroom back into my room and grabbed my phone, wallet, bag and keys.
Then I walked towards the kitchen and saw someone sit there. My sister Isabelle, or how I call her most of the time Izzy.
I lived in this apartment with my siblings, Jace and Isabelle.
My youngest brother Max was too young to live with us and lived with my parents.
'H-Hey what are you doing up?' I asked Izzy.
And yes you see it right I have a stutter. It isn't as bad as it used to be, I was mute a year ago but I got some speak therapy and it helped me get over it, kind of. I don't stutter much but I do still have it, especially when I'm nervous or sad.
"I'm gonna make sure you eat before you leave." Izzy said sternly

"Iz I-I'm already late I can't eat now I really need to go." I said quickly and I left the kitchen and got outside.

"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD." I heard her yell before I closed the dron door door.
I got into my car and drove to practice.
I was in a soccer team named Red Bull it was a really great team. Everyone was super nice and also really good soccer players.

When I arrived some of my team mates were already in the changing room Kit, Ty and the new guy but i forgot his name.
"Hey Alec!" Kit said excitedly as he saw me walk in.
I put my stuff down on a bench.
"Hey K-Kit." I said as i sat down on the bench.
"Alexanderrr." Ty said in a teasing voice. "Tiberiussss." I said back in the same voice as Ty.
Ty and I are best friends he helped through some pretty rough times and I did the same for him. We also shared the same sense of humor which means annoying Kit.
The rest of the team arrived so Ty and I got quickly out of the changing room, too much people and we were changed anyway.
We started to jog around the field to get warm, it was quite cold outside because it was early, it would warm up later.
After around 6 rounds the rest of our team arrived and the training started.

-time skip-

"See you tonight Alec." Kit said with a grin.
"Y-yeah see ya." I said and I got into my car and drove to Taki's a coffee shop.
I made my way inside the café, and ordered a cappuccino.
When I got my coffee I turned around and bumped into a tall male. That caused my coffee to end up all over me. The hot liquid burning through my clothes.
"Fuck." I mumbled.
"I am so sorry!" The other male exclaimed looking guilty.
I looked into his eyes, he had beautiful green with yellow eyes the looked like the eyes from a cat.
"I-It was my fault, I d-didn't watch where I-I was going." I stuttered out quickly. Fuck my stutter. The man shook his head.
"No it's not mr...?" The beautiful eyed man said.
"Oh I'm A-Alec Lightwood." I said eith a small smile.
"And Alec is short for Alexander I think?" The man said, I nodded
"Well I'm sorry Alexander. I'm Magnus Bane by the way." The man now known as Magnus Bane said.
We shook hands awkwardly.
I looked at the time 6pm. Fuck. Ehat if Izzy is going to cook! I would be die from eating her food.
"S-sorry i really have to go!" I said and ran out of the coffee shop, still drenched in coffee and I got into my car.

When I got home Jace told me they already ordered take out, Chinese. Thank the god!
"I'm going to t-take a shower." I told Izzy and Jace and I walked to the bathroom and locked the door.
I searched in the cupboards, for a certain thing.
I finally found it, a small knife.
I looked at the scars on my forearm.
I took a deep shaking breath, I shouldn't do this, but i just cant help it. It is a temptation. A way to really feel that I'm still alive after everything horrible that happened and probably will happen. If Izzy and Jace found out they will be worried, maybe even get mad. I really want to do it, pain helps me think straight. I shouldn't. Or should I? Just a small cut. Jace and Izzy can't be mad if they dont know.
I was fighting myself. A small cut? No cut? A tiny cut.
I sighed and raised the knife to my forearm.
Just as I was about to push the knife into my skin, Izzy knocked on the door.
"Alec dinner is here." Her voice said from outside the door.
"I-I am coming." I said with a sigh.
Izzy saved me like always.
I put the knife back into one of the cupboards. Then undressed myself and took a real quick shower just to get the coffee of my body, and then walked to my room to put on a dark green sweater and black sweatpants.
When I was dressed I walked to the livingroom where Jace and Izzy where eating.
There was a plate on the table for me, I grabbed the plate and I wanted to walk to my room with it when Izzy grabbed my arm.
"No no mister you are going to eat with me and Jace here. I wanna see you eat." Izzy said as she pulled my down on the couch between her and Jace and started talking about her modeling work. It's not like I don't want to eat it's just that the last few weeks I'm not hungry.

"So Alec we found out that literally every Blackthorn works with us, except Ty and i think that's pretty awesome!" Izzy said excited with her mouth full.

(To be clear every character is around 18 to 25 years old i will make at the end of this chapter a list of the characters and age)

"Sounds cool." I said as i took a bite of my food realising i was actually hungry.
"Our new boss Magnus Bane is also really nice and hot." Izzy continued
My eyes went wide.
"M-Magnus Bane? I met him at Taki's I bumped into him which caused my coffee to spill a-all over myself." I chuckled.
"The world is really small isn't it?" Jace said and Izzy continued with talking about everything and nothing and before we knew it, it was 7:45pm.

"Guys! Quickly go dress into something better than sweatpants! You can't go to a movie night like that!" Izzy already did her make up and hair.
"I thought i looked pretty hot." Jace said jokingly.
"Oh you wish." I said to Jace with a smirk. He flipped me of.
She pushed me and jace into our rooms to dress into something else. I changed my sweatpants into black ripped jeans, and my sweater to a dark blue tshirt, which matched my eyes according to Izzy.
I put on my sneakers and grabbed a coat.
I waited for Izzy and Jace to get dressed and when they finally were done, we walked out and got into my car, I was the only one with a driving license.
We drove to Clary her house in silence. We where the last one to arrive. Clary, Simon, Maia, Ty, Livvy, Julian, Emma, Kit, Dru, Cristina, Mark, Kieran weere there already, and another person was sitting inside.
'Magnus?' Izzy asked confused.
The person looked up and it was indeed Magnus.

"Hey Izzy, Jace." He looked at us his eyes staying on me for a little while. "Hi Alexander. Clary invited me to come." He said and he smiled.
My mouth was open.
Seriously he comes here too?

Okay so this is the first chapter and i hope you like it!
Characters lists and ages are coming now (not everyone is introduced yet)
Alec 22
Magnus 25
Clary 19
Jace 20
Izzy 20
Simon 21
Cristina 19
Mark 22
Kieran 23
Ty 21
Kit 20
Dru 18
Livvy 21
Julian 22
Emma 22
Catarina 24
Ragnor 25
Raphael 23

Its a malec story but there will also be some other ships here, i hope y'all dont mind and also this is kinda a dark story alec has depression and cuts himself sometimes that is because of his previous romantic relationship (which I will explain better later in the story) and his relationship with his dad.
Also slow updates!

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