Chapter 7

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Magnus POV
I woke up because of Chairman meow. He was (again) sleeping on my face, his claws in my hair. He purred loudly in my ear.
I picked Chairman up and entangled his claws out of my hair which was a pretty hard thing to do because he kept clutching it tighter.
I thought about yesterday with Alexander, my heart started pounding faster. I smiled to myself
I got out of bed and I went to choose my outfit.I chose maroon tight jeans and a blackglitter button up shirt.
When I chose my outfit I threw them on my bed and went inside the bathroom, taking a quick shower. After the shower I brushed my teeth and did my make-up and hair.
I then went back to my room with a towel wrapped around my waist to dress myself.
Once dressed I went downstairs.
When I got downstairs, I bumped into Ragnor Fell. His white hair shone brightly, he was wearing a green t-shirt with the words "Ragnor lives" on it in white.
Ragnor, what the fuck are you doing in my house?" I asked more annoyed then shocked. "You're hair looks like shit." He said smirking.
"Thanks, but that was not an answer on my question." I said sighing.
Then Catarina walked out of the kitchen. She had her white hair in a messy bun and she was wearing black jeans and a blue tshirt.
"Catarina!" I ran to her and hugged her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Afrika to take care of the childeren there." I smiled still not letting go of her.
"I missed New York so I came back." Catarina said. I let go of Catarina and she smiled at me. "Yayy a lovely reunion, but I'm hungry so let's eat." Ragnor said annoyed.
He walked to the kitchen me and Catarina looked at each other trying to laugh about his reaction.
We eventually followed and he was making waffles. "Since when do you cook for us?" I asked.
"I'm not you two have to cook for yourself." He said annoyed, but his actions meant different he took 3 plates out of a cupboard, putting the waffles on all three of them then sat down at the kitchen bar. I also had a dinner room but i never used it and Ragnor and Catarina knew that, so they always sat down at the bar I had in my kitchen.
Catarina took a plate and sat down next to Ragnor, starting a conversation.
I just realised how much I missed them. They are my best friends and I couldn't live without them.
I also took my plate and sat down next to Catarina, smiling and started eating.
"Magnus, why are you smiling as a creep?" Ragnor said raising an eyebrow.
"I missed you guys.'' I said leaving both Ragnor and Catarina speechless.
I finished my waffles and stood up and grabbed my bag.
"I gotta go, need to go to work." I said with a smile. I loved my job.
"Are you guys still here when I get back?" I continued i was really excited to have a movie night with the three of them plus Tessa again.
:No sorry Magnus, I have a night shift at the hospital so I'm going home later to get some sleep." Catarina said smiling sadly.
Ragnor shook his head.
''No I promised Raphael to help him moving into his new apartment." Ragnor said.
"We will call you, I promise." Catarina promised with a smile.
I nodded. I gave her one last hug and then left.
I got into my car and drove to work.
After 10 minutes I saw the building where I work, it was a huge building, made from glass and I loved it. It had 20 floors and most of the time we worked on the 20th floor, the view from there was spectacular.
I parked my car grabbed my bag and got inside.
I said Hi to Maia, who did the adminstration.
I then got into the elevator pressing the 20th floor button because we would have a meeting there.
And searched 'Red bulls New York soccer team'.
I saw they got 2nd place in the Major League Soccer last season.
That's great!
I scrolled to the pictures and saw a few of Ty and Kit scoring a goal and then...
The picture was really well taken it was Alec who dove to catch the ball so it wouldn't get into the goal.
You saw the concentration and the love for the sport into his beautiful sky blue eyes.
Underneath the picture there was a small text.
Alec Lightwood, the new goal keeper from The Red Bulls. I smiled.
The elevator arrived at the 20th floor.
Immediately my assistant and best friend walked towards me with a cup of coffee.
"Hi Tessa." I said to her with a smile.
"Hey Magnus, everyone is already in the meeting room you should go there." Tessa said giving me the cup coffee.
"Thanks I will. We will catch up later." I told her with a wink.
Everyone was indeed there already.
Izzy, Jace, Emma, Julian, Dru, Christina, Mark, Kieran and Livvy.
"Hey guys."
And so the meeting start.

Alec POV
The end of the training ended for what felt like quick it was already 5pm, I quickly changed into jeans and a t-shirt.
"Alec you don't have to bring us home Julian is picking us up.'" Ty informed me.
"O-okay." I nodded and grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
:Bye e-everyone." I said when I left.
I got in my car, just sitting inside of it.
What a day. I was happy that my team knew I was gay and that they accepted me. But there was a feeling inside of me that told me i could never be truly happy. I sighed and drove to Taki's to get coffee. When I arrived I parked the car and got inside Taki's.
There weren't a lot of people as usual, I ordered a cappuccino and when I got my coffee I sat down at one of the tables next to a window, I got my earphones out my bag and plugged them into my phone then putting on a playlist.
I was listening to my music and sipping my coffee when someoe said my name and sat on the opposite of me. "Alec!'" Magnus said.
I took my earphones out. "Hey M-Magnus." I said smiling.
"Enjoying your music? I called out your name at least 20 times before you heard me." Magnus said jokingly and he took a sip from his coffee.
"S-sorry." I said, looking down at the table.
"How was training today?" Magnus asked. "P-pretty good. How w-was work?" I asked and looked at Magnus.
Magnus just stared at me.
"M-magnus?" I said embarrassed.
"Did you know you really have beautiful eyes?'" He said flirty
I blushed.
"I uuuh I-I g-guess so?" I said flustered. Magnus looked pretty satisfied with the reaction he created.
"Your e-eyes are also r-really beautiful." I said and I blushed even more, i didnt know why I said that but it's true.
''Thank you Alexander.'' Magnus said with a smile.
"Also Izzy told me to say Hi to you if I saw you so Hi from Izzy." Magnus said.
I nodded not knowing what to say to that.
I then saw a familiar figure walking outside, someone I never wanted to see again but he kept coming back.
Jake. He noticed me and smirked and then waved.
"Alexander are you okay?" Magnus asked. He followed my gaze.
"Is that...?" Magnus started i finished his sentence.
"M-my ex-boyfriend." I said terrified.
My hand that was on the table start shaking a little but i clenched it into a fist.
"It's okay Alexander, he's outside and I'm with you, you're save." Magnus said putting one of his hands on top of mine.
I looked at Magnus, trying to control the tears and memories that came with seeing Jake.
"I'm going to bring you home, I'm not leaving your side until you're home. Save." Magnus said determinedly probably noticing i was upset.
He stood up pulling me up with him.
"Come on." The slightly taller male said. I grabbed my bag and we walked outside, I walked with my head down close to Magnus.Magnus put an arm around my shoulders.
I felt Jake looking at us but he luckily didn't do anything. It also felt weird to be touched like this, so softly and protectively by Magnus.
We arrived at my car and I took my keys out. Magnus grabbed the keys and unlocked the car.
He got into the drivers seat and I got into the passengers seat.He started the car and drove to my house.
"Y-You didn't have to help me you k-know." I said looking at my hands in my lap.
"I know, but whatever that guy did to you it mad you scared of him and I don't want you to be scared." Magnus said. I sighed, I probably should tell him? Or shouldn't I? Would Magnus listen to me? Would he be disgusted with me? Would he run away from me? Would he still talk to me? We arrived at my house we got out of my car and I unlocked the door and we got inside. Magnus walked in first.
I stood still at the door.
"M-Magnus I need t-to tell you w-what happened w-with me, w-why I-I got an s-stutter. Why I'm scared of h-him." I stuttered out, I decided I would tell him. Would I regret it? Maybe, maybe not. At least if I told him it would get off my chest.

"I'm Here For You." Malec AuWhere stories live. Discover now