Chapter 3

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Magnus POV
When I got out of Alec's car I walked to my house, it was a quite a big house, with the money I make I can easily pay it. I got inside and was greeted with a meow, my cat Chairman Meow was sitting in the hall way. I picked him up and walked upstairs to my room.
When I got into my room, I put Chairman Meow on my bed and I changed into pyjamas.
I got in bed.
I was thinking about this day, about Alec who kissed me on the cheek, even though it was just a dare for him it still made me warm and fuzzy to think about. I was wondering how he got the stutter, its not really normal that someone stutters.
Maybe I'll ask him next time I see him.

-Time skip to the next morning-

Alec POV
I woke up after having a nightmare.
Cold sweat ran down my forehead.
I took a deep breath and sat up. Going with my hand through my hair.
"Its okay, you are okay." I said softly to myself, my left hand on my face and my eyes closed.
I took another breath and got out of my bed. I took of my sweaty tshirt and threw it in the laundry basket.
I put on a clean tshirt and some sweatpants and I walked out of my room towards the kitchen to get cereal for breakfast.
When I got the cereal I sat down at the table, trying to eat it.
Soon i realised i wasnt hungry and I threw it in the bin.
Then i thought let's go for a run.
So i did that.
I was already wearing sweatpants and a tshirt so i put on my sneakers and got outside.
When I locked the door behind me, started jogging towards the park.
Once in the park I ran into Ty who was also going out for a run.
"Ty h-hey." I said.
"Hey Alec, you're also going out for a run?" He said.
"Y-yeah." I said nodding.
"Lets run together then."
We started running next to eachother.
After 5 times around the park Ty and I sat down on a bench.
"So how's life Alec?" Ty asked breathing heavily from running.
"I-It's great, yours?" I asked and ir was true i felt good even though i woke up with a nightmare, I had a lot of energy.
"Actually I need to tell you something." Ty said seriously.
"Yeah what's u-up?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Kit and I started dating." Ty said with a small smile. My face lights up. I was so happy for them!
"T-thats great man!" I punched him against his shoulder playfully.
He smiled.
"Kit and I just don't know if we should tell the team." Ty said doubtfully.
"Y-you should Ty, the team is practically o-our family they will accept you." I said even though I hadn't come out either and i was scared to come out to them.
"Yeah thanks man." Ty said.
"A-are you ready to run another r-round? Or are you still tired?" I said with a smirk. I was full of energy i could probably run 10 more rounds.
"Are you challenging me Alexander?" Ty asked me smirking back.
"Y-yeah Tiberius I am." I said.
We stood up and I just wanted to turn around to run that way when i ran into someone.

"Alec?" A familiar yet terrifying voice said.
"J-Jake." I said scared, and I took a few steps back.
"Alec let's go." Ty said trying to pull me away, because he knew who it was.
Jake grabbed my hand.
"Hey Alec, darling long time no see, stay for a while." Jake said with an evil smirk.
I couldn't do or say anything, it wa s like my brain shut off and all i could do was stare scared at him.
Ty pulled my hand out of his grib.

"Go fuck yourself Jake." Ty spat at him harshly.

"Thats not how you talk to another human being, Tiberius." Jake smirked and he pushed Ty.
"You call yourself a human? You're a sick basta-.." Ty started but Jake slapped him in the face.
Then a figure came walking towards us pushing Ty and me behind him.
"You heard the man, Go fuck yourself." Magnus said.
He was slightly taller than Jake and that made him look more powerful.

"What who the fuck are you?" Jake spat out at Magnus with a scowl.

"That's none of your business, now leave Alexander and Ty alone." Magnus spat back.
Jake looked offended and turned around and walked away, not before giving me one last glance.

"Who the fuck was that g-.." Magnus couldn't even finish his sentence before I ran away. "Alec!" Both Ty and Magnus called out to me, but I ignored them and just ran harder.
When I finally arrived home, i quickly got inside and slammed the front door close.
I leaned against the front door taking a deep breath and before I knew it I was on the ground hugging my knees crying.
After 5 minutes of crying someone knocked on the door.
"Alec it's me and Magnus we know you are here just let us in and talk about it." Ty's voice said almost pleading..
"Please Alexander." Magnus said.
I stood up and wiped my tears.
"P-please go a-away, I-I want to b-be a-alone." I stuttered out the door still closed my hands on the knob.
In these kind of situations my stutter gets bad. "Alec, we are not going anywhere." Ty said and Magnus agreed.
I sighed
"P-Please l-leave." I practically begged.
"Alexander, we know you need some people right now just to talk about what happened, even though i dont understand it. Ty didnt want to explain he said it was your story to tell. Just let us in to talk about it or to just have a shoulder to cry on, so please by the angel open the door." Magnus said.
I sighed. They had won. I opened the door, and stood in the door opening, I know I looked terrible, red puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks and messy hair, wait scratch the last one my hair is always messy.
Magnus and Ty pulled me into a hug and I burst into tears on their shoulder this time.
A few minutes later I was sitting on the couch with a blanket around my shoulders and softly sniffling, i stopped crying after what felt like 15 minutes but were actually 5 minutes, Magnus was also on the couch and Ty was making tea.
Ty also called Izzy and Jace to come back home which I was actually glad of.
"Alexander do you want to talk about it?" Magnus asked gently.
I was looking down at my hands on my lap and I shook my head.
"Can you at least tell me who that was?" Magnus asked.
I sighed.
"T-That was m-my ex b-boyfriend J-Jake, b-but I d-dont want t-to talk a-about it." I said still looking down. I know he meant well but i just couldn't tell him yet i only met him a day aho
"Alec look at me."
I looked into Magnus' beautiful yellow green eyes. He smiled at me.
"I just want you to feel better, so if you dont want to talk about it to me, talk to Izzy or Jace or Ty, they love you and want to help you." Magnus said with a half smile.I smiled a little.
"I k-know." I breathed out.
Ty came back with tea for Magnus, himself and for me.
We sat in silence sipping our tea when Izzy smashed open the door worried. "Alec are you okay?!" She practically yelled and ran over to me hugging me tightly which caused me almost dropping and spillig my tea.
Simon walked in after here with Jace and Clary behind him.
"I-I'm fine Izzy." I said to her.
She pulled back from the hug.
"Are you sure?" She asked raising an eyebrow "Y-yeah." I said nodding.
"Then Jace and I have to talk to about something." She said.
"Spit it out." I said.
"We are both getting our own place, like me and Simon on our own, and Jace and Clary on their own." Izzy said.
"T-thats great Iz, J-Jace." I forced a smile on my face.
"D-do you guys have a p-place yet?" I asked them and the all nodded.
"Actually yes we will be moving out today." Jace said slowly.
"W-wow thats s-soon." I said.
I didnt want them to leave who would be keeping me company? No this is for their happiness i should be happy for them.
"Yeah im sorry that we didnt tell you earlier." Izzy apologised. Didnt they tell me earlier because they were scared that i would break down?
"D-doesnt m-matter."
I faked yawned and stood up.
"I think I-I'm going to t-take a nap." I said and i stood up. I wasn't tired.
"We will wake you when we are about to leave." Clary said with a small smile.
"Sleep well Alec." Ty said.
"Well I'm going then my job is done here." Magnus said standing up.
"M-magnus you can s-stay if you want t-to." I said. I don't know why but i didnt want him to leave.
"Nah it's fine, I'll see you later." Magnus said with a smile.
"O-okay." I said and I walked into my room closing the door.
I jumped on my bed and started crying softly again.
I hate my life....

Yeey another chapter, and you met Jake Alec's ex-boyfriend. I will explain more further into the story!

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