Chapter 8

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I think I have to put an warning for this above this chapter so
Kinda disturbing content: rape and abuse

Alec POV
We sat down at the couch Magnus faced me I looked down.
"I-I'm gonna tell you my w-whole story, i-it starts where I h-have my first
c-crush. I was a-around 10 when....


"Alec, Izzy!" A younger Maryse Lightwood said. Me and Izzy ran downstairs towards her. She was in front of the front door with a golden haired boy behind her.
"This is Jace Herondale, he will be living with us from now on. His parents died in a car crash, be nice."
The golden haired boy named Jace was beautiful, he had beautiful golden eyes and looked perfect.
I didn't know what these feelings inside me where.

-a few years later around the age 15-

Izzy knows, Izzy knows I have a crush on Jace my best friend, brother Jace.
I paced around in my room not knowing what to do, Izzy was sitting on bed.
Alec! It's okay, I get." She tried to reassure me
"No you don't!" I semi-yelled at her. At that time I didn't have a stutter yet.
Okay maybe I don't! But just listen!" She yelled back.
I stood still and looked at her.
"You are obnoxious, stubborn and rude-.." she started to insult me but i interrupted her.
"I hope you are going somewhere with this." I said with a sigh
"But I also know you are loyal and honest and a big old softy when you stop worying about what people are thinking about you!" Sge said
I looked down and sighed.
"And your point is?" I mumbledm
Then I looked back at Izzy.
"One day someone is going to love your heart and soul."

-when I'm 17 almost 18-

And so I thought that I met that person that would love me so much. And oh I was wrong, so terribly wrong....
Izzy dragged me and Jace to go to a party a friend of her organised.
I was standing alone when Izzy came dragging a handsome guy around 18 or 19 with her towards me. He had brown hair and grey eyes.
"Hi Handsome, I'm Jake, what's your name?" The person now identified with the name Jake said while he winked at me.
"Alec." I smiled. Izzy also smiled knowing I might like this new person.
"I'll just leave you two then."
We talked all night and we even shared a kiss with each other. He gave me his phone number and told me to call or text him. Later that week we even had an date and another and the another and we were officially a couple now.
I then invited him over to my house to introduce him to my family, everyone knew I was gay except Dad. He would probably not accept it but I was happy and I wanted to show him that. When it was evening and Jake came over I introduced him as my boyfriend.
"Mom, Dad this is my boyfriend, Jake.'' I said.Mom was happy to meet Jake and even hugged him and told me she was happy to have him in the family.
Dad was silent all the time.
When the dinner was over and Jake went home and everyone else went to bed. Dad came to me angrily.
"You are gay?! How could you, you bring shame to our family!" He yelled at me.
Tears started to form into my eyes.
"Dad it is just who I am!" I yelled back.
"No it's just a phase.'' He said.
"No it's not a phase it's just part of who I am and I suggest you should deal with it." I looked at him angrily and he hit me over and over again untill my mom ran downstairs and stopped him. I cried and ran upstairs
"Robert!" She scolded him. But nothing more, everytime this happened she only scolded Robert.
When I turned 18 I moved out, I still kept contact with mom, and got a house with Jake. The next year was wonderful but after I turned 19 Jake became possessive and aggressive.
One time when I got home from work, which was totally exhausting, Jake wanted to have sex, I told him I wasn't in the mood. "I don't care Alec, I'm horny." He told me, he grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me to the bedroom. "Jake let go of me." I tried to get my wrist out of his grib but he was to strong. He then slapped me, it wasnt even that hard, I was just so shocked. He slapped me! I was to shocked so he took that as an opportunity to push me onto the bed on my stomach. He tight my arms to the bed with a rope so I couldn't get away. "Jake stop please!" I pleaded, i felt weak i couldnt do anything. Tears filled my eyes.
He then took my clothes off and.....

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