Chapter 15

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Magnus POV
It was dark by now and I didn't realise it was 9pm already. It was around 2pm when I got that call from Ty and I think around 5pm when we drove to the clinic with Alec.
We were sitting in the car again driving back to Alec's house again. It was total silence no one knew what to say. We arrived 10 minutes later at Alec's house and we got inside. Max ran to hug Maryse who was still there
"Magnus you can stay here if you want too, we will leave a key here for you." Maryse said with a sad smile. I nodded. "Thanks."
She stood up and put a key from Alec's house on the table.
"That's the key.'' Maryse said.
'Me and Max are leaving.' She said to Jace and Izzy and she gave them both a hug, Max als gave them a hug.
What surprised me was that I also got pulled into a hug from Maryse.
"Take care, Magnus. I know how hard this is.'' She said sadly.
I just nodded. Then she and Max left.
"Magnus, thank you for being here today." Izzy said and gave me a hug. Jace gave me a friendly hit on my shoulders, like boys do to each other.
They also left.  I was standing in the dark apartment of Alec. It was kinda messy but it still felt like Alec.
I walked a little and then fell, I fell over a bag of clothes. I pulled the bag to me and opened it. Some of Alec's clothes were in there. I took an t-shirt out and looked at it.
It was an t-shirt with his name and soccer number on it. I held the t-shirt closer to my chest and just lied down on the floor clutching the shirt to my chest.
I miss him.

Alec POV
I was brought to kinda like a dorm room which I shared with another guy. I found out that the woman who brought me to my room was called Charlotte, she seemed nice.

When I got into the room I was staying in, Charlotte gave me some clothes and told me to put them on.
I sighed and did what I was told.
"Alec how are you feeling?" Charlotte asked. I shrugged. I honestly didn't know how I felt. I just felt empty. Like I wasn't really alive anymore. Maybe it would be better without me here in this world.
"Jeez didn't expect that to come out." Charlotte said. I didn't realise I said all those things out loud.
"Your roommate for the next 48 hours is Henry. He has bipolar 1, he's on his meds but his family wanted him to be here for longer than he actually needed to be here just to be sure his meds are working. He's being released same time you are." Charlotte said and led me more into the room. It actually was pretty big. We had our own bathroom and a TV which was on showing soccer. Someone was lying on one of the beds. A red head which looked around the age of 30 was lying there looking up at us. "Hey Henry, this is Alec Lightwood. He is staying with you the next 2 days." Charlotte said.
"Wait Alec Lightwood? As in soccer player Alec Lightwood?" Henry sat up.
"Yeah that's me." I said in a monotone voice. Henry smiled excitedly at me and I just looked away.
"Is there anything you want to have Alec? Food? A glass of water?" Charlotte asked.
"I'm tired, I-I need some sleep." I said distantly. Charlotte nodded and I walked to the free bed, head down and shoulders slumped.
"Good night then Alec, I'll see you tomorrow." Charlotte said. I nodded and layed down on bed looking at the ceiling. Charlotte left.
Henry turned off the TV and said good night and turned all the lights off. But I actually didn't sleep I was staring at the ceiling, thinking about how I treated Magnus today. I was so cold, he doesn't deserve that. Tears trailed down my cheeks but I didnt notice.
I miss him.

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