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When the classes had finally ended for the day Jasmine walked back with the Marauders to the common room, only then realising her soon-to-be godfather hadn't left her side throughout the day.

But what was weirder to Jas, was the fact that he wasn't just the godfather she saw die anymore. He was quickly becoming one of her best friends. She had never been all that close to Hermione and Ron, she usaully just wandered between them, Luna, Ginny and the twins. Well, she really couldn't call them the twins anymore. It was just George.

A stab of greif struck her as Peter ran up to the boys dormitory to grab a set of wizards chess. Everyone she was getting close to was dead. She blinked away several tears while Siruis and James cleared the arm chairs by the fireplace of first and second years.

"You okay?" A voice beside her asked quietly. She smiled over her shoulder and nodded. "Yeah. I'm better than I've been in a long time." She answered the Lycanthropic. Remus studied her carefully before giving a nod back. She looked back over to where Siruis was examining a third year muggleborns puzzle box.

She giggled subtly at the look on his face. He heard her and looked up to meet her eyes. He grinned lazily and she smiled back.


Harry was a mess. His twin had been missing for a little over a day. He had wrote to everyone he knew and visited everywhere he thought she could be, including their parents graves. The wizard law enforcement had been informed and Harry was ripping his hair out in worry. Not even his girlfriend Ginny could calm him down.

In a last ditch effort he went to Hogwarts.

He hadn't been there since the battle and was terrified he'd have another flashback, but his fear for his sisters safety over rode that. He flooed into directly to Mcgonagall's office and was surprised to find it empty.

The office looked fairly different from when Dumbledore had owned it. Instead of the mans usaul nick nacks it was full of books and neatly organised piles of parchment. "I believe, I know why you're here." Harry spun round as the previous headmaster spoke.

"Dumbledore? You know where she is? Jasmine?" He nodded and Harry had a familiar irritated sensation. "Well? Where is she? Where's my sister!?" Dumbledore picked at a loose piece of string on his robes, "She, is everywhere. In our hearts, our minds, and, indeed. These very walls."

Harry waited impatiently for him to continue as he began to tap his foot against the floor. "Well? Go on, where exactly is she? Is she in the chamber of secrets? The room on requirement? The Gryffindor common room?"

"She is in the past. But, do please visit your old common room. And look at the arch to the boys dorms. You may find some familiar names."

The raven haired boys face scrunched up in confusion. "How is she in the past? She was here two days ago."

Dumbledore peered down at him over his half moon spectacles. "I really think you should look at that arch way."


Jasmine was right, she did get her exploding snap skills from her father. She had been stuck in the past for five days now and loved every minute. Though she still suffered from nightmares when she woke up during the night Remus was waiting for her, and so was a hot chocolate. Siruis never left her side and Lily helped her with homework.

Marlene was like having a live in fashion expert and James was the mother figure of the group, surprisingly. He made sure Peter didn't eat too much sugar, he made sure Siruis ate properly and woke up at four am just to wrap a blanket around Jas and Remus.

Currently she watched as Siruis absolutely destroyed her father at the noisy game, her chin rested on the palm of her hand as she watched the scene with a content smile. Remus sat beside her on the sofa, nose in a book while Peter had passed out long ago in a faded maroon armchair.

Jasmine had decided not to act openly hostile to the boy, and send him small smiles now and then. If Pettigrew really was gonna sell her family out, she didn't wanna be the reason why.

"You cheated!"

"I did not. That's just pure skill."

"Bull. Jas, back me up here."

"No! Granger, back me up here. Not this obvious liar."

"Name calling, really Padfoot? And I thought our friendship meant more to you."

"As did I, but you're accusing me of cheating and that is something I can not accept!"

"Uh, sorry James. But I've got Siruis' wand right here. There's no way he could have cheated."

"Yeah!- wait, when did you get my wand!?"

Jasmine giggled as she waved the boys wand tauntingly in front of her. James grinned happily as Siruis stared in surprise. Suddenly the boy reached over and brought Jas down to sit on his lap. She swore as she dropped not only his- but her own wand. She glared at the teenager as he smirked triumphantly.

"Really? Was this neccsary?" He continued to smirk and used his hands to turn her to face James and buried his chin in the crook of her neck. "Alright, I'm ready for the next round."

James just laughed and reset the cards. Remus discreetly conjured a camera and captured the moment. While he still had his suspicions about her- he couldn't deny how close they were all becoming in the span of a few days. Especially Siruis, who seemed lost anytime Jasmine wasn't beside him.

He also knew he was being a hypocrite, he was a werewolf for crying out loud. Once the full moon rose he became a fully fledged beast. He shivered and started to read again.

"Alright! That's it. I give."

It was almost an hour later and the common room was empty apart from the five. Jas hadn't been able to move from Siruis' lap as he kept a hand firmly planted around her waist, not that she could find in herself to complain.

James brushed the soot off his school pants and stood up, looking around for something to do. "Let's see... what can we do tonight." Siruis gave a chuckle next to Jas' neck, his breath tickling her skin... what was wrong with her?

"Want me to go get the map, Prongs?" Panic rose in the female Gryffindors chest. The map would show her real last name, "No! I, uh. I mean, I have no idea what the 'map' is but knowing you guys it's nothing good!" She began hurridly, "Why don't you guys just do somethings normal?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know.. carve your names into the wood or something."

James frowned thoughtfully while Remus studied her, what the hell was that about?

"Yeah, alright. We haven't left any permant marks on this school yet. I think that's a good way to start."

"Where are you thinking?"

"How about the archway to the boys dorms?"

"I like it, good job Moony. I knew there was a reason you were the brains of the group."

Remus rolled his eyes.

sleepy Wormtail
AND Prongs

James turned around and passed Jasmine the penknife where she really wasn't sure came from, "You write your nick-name under mine." Her eyes widend in surprise. "Wait, really?" James chuckled, "Of course, it was your idea. Go on, Paddy'll help you up." Jasmine looked hesitantly over to Remus who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well, alright then."


"Well?" Harry began irritably, "What does it say?" Neville huffed and read the words that were carved into the wood from over thirty year ago.

"Moony, sleepy Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs present... Jazzy. And there's a lttle drawing of a necklace with a circle at the end, and..." He squinted and leaned forward. "The circles got a hourglass on it."

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