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"W-what makes sense? James?"

"You're not from this time. I'm not as stupid as I look Jasmine, When you dyed your hair blonde you turned into the spitting image of my mum Euphimia. You just said to yourself your name was Jasmine Lily Potter, since the moment you laid eyes on me and Lily you've been trying to set us up,"

"You say you're a transfer from Ilvemorny yet you have a British accent. We mention a vague map and you know straight away what it is. We didn't introduce you to Peter, you already knew him. Jasmine is a type of flower and the first two letters match my name."

"You've been so reluctant with your feelings towards Padfoot because you know a different him. You refuse to tell me your blood type and you talk to Slytherins as though it was the most natural thing in the world."

"And, did you really think I wouldn't notice Remus was acting differently towards you when it was yours truly who figured out he was a werewolf?"

Jas' lips parted slightly in surprise, "O-okay... so you really aren't as stupid as you look. Wow. Uhh..."

She shifted on her feet awkwardly while running a hand through her hair,



"I don't know what you want me to say, Harry."

"Say you can bring her back."

Hermione sighed and dropped the book she had been reading onto the desk. "Harry... Mcgonagall has already said she comes back. There's no need to go through all this." The green eyed boy sat down in frustration, "Look, Jasmine will never be able to handle looking at the faces of the people she watched die, and then laugh with them. It'll kill her!"

The real Granger put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry but, to bring her back to this time we'd need the blood of your father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, a cousin, sibling and her own."

Harry sprung to his feet, making Hermione jump. Maybe, it was a long shot, but just maybe... "Hermione, if we needed all that to bring her here, wouldn't she of needed all of it back then?"

"Well, yes I suppose..."

"Then what are the chances that she knew I would question the colour of the time turner, knew that I'd get you, and knew you would tell me all that?"

"Harry, what are you getting at?"

"What if she's already collected all that blood for us and hid it so only we could find?"

"If you're suggesting..."

"Time to pay Myrtle a visit."


Jas' heart was beating a million miles per hour as she watched James soak in her confirmation. They had yet to move from the door to the headmasters office, and her fathers silence was killing her.

Would he shout at her like Remus?

Ask her questions about the future?

Would he-

"So does this... make you my-?"

Jasmine nodded slowly. "H-hey... dad..."


Nobody moved and a terrible sinking feel appeared in Jas' stomach. Of course it was too much to hope he'd just laugh it off, how could she have been so stupid to of said all that stuff out loud?

James heitated for a moment before walking forward. He stopped in front of Jasmine before breaking out into a grin and pulling her into his embrace. "So this means I get Evans, right?"

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