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"What were you thinking!?" James screeched. "Talking to Regulus Black... he put a Ravenclaw in the hospital wing last year because he said everybody's equal!"

Jasmine wore a vaguely amused expression as she listened to James rant on. They were walking to the common room and he hadn't stopped preaching to her about how evil all Slytherins were. "You know Merlin was a Slytherin, right?"

The Gryffindor boy paused in his rant only to shoot his daughter a dirty look. "Continuing, why didn't you come get one of us!?"

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle myself."

"That isn't what I meant and you know it."

"Do I?"

"Listen! The second they realised you were a- a-... what is your blood status?"

"I thought we were on the whole blood doesn't define you side?"

"We are! Stop twisting my words!"

She laughed arily as they reached the portrait of the fat lady. "Hey, did you have a nice day?" The portrait sighed as she looked at her half empty glass, "It was quiet, Violet came to say hello and one of the house elves stopped to have a chat. But, aside from that I've been rather lonely."

"I keep telling you, Nicholas is fascinating to talk to, and it's not like he's got anywhere to be, unless it's avoiding Peeves."

"Yes, but I don't wanna be anyones last resort."

"How about this, the next time I see him I'll casually mention there's a rather beautiful portrait that guards the Gryffindor tower that's neen absolutely dying to hear about the time he met the muggle king. And you'll mention how much you hate the dudes who run the headless hunt, deal?"

The woman perked up, "Deal. Ah If only there were more students like you." She shot an accusing look to James who shrugged casually. "Spinach cups." The door swung open to reveal the familiar room.

"Padfoot! Listen to this!"

Siruis looked up from where he was sitting, night had fallen a while ago and the teenager had taken the opportunity to have a quick shower while everyone went to sleep, he wore messy black jogging bottoms and his wet hair fell into his eyes.

He looked to Jasmine the moment they entered the room. He expected the reaction he knew he was gonna have when seeing her again, just not the one she had.

Her eyes widend miraculously and her face turned a deep pink, her hazel orbs trailed his shirtless chest and she began to speak, only for no words to come out, she turned around abruptly after a moments hesitantion and left. Siruis stood up to follow her only to be cut off by Remus.

"I'll go."


What was wrong with her? What was wrong with her? This was all wrong, she shouldn't be looking at her godfather like that. She shouldn't be getting close to him. She couldn't. He was dead. Even if he was alive, he would be a middle aged man, not the one she cared for in a way she shouldn't.

The tears blurring her eyes obscured her vision, Godric she was so sick of crying, of hurting, of trying to heal. She was so sick of being viewed as weak. She stumbled into a class room, somebody was sitting at a desk but before they could speak, she choked out: "They're all dead."

Severus Snape stared at the Gryffindor incredulously. "What?" She looked up but not at him, at the window across from her. "They're all dead. Everyone... I shouldn't be here... I-I need to find Dumbledore-"


Snape scowled as he heard the familiar sound of Remus Lupin's voice. To his surprise, the strange girl hid in a cupboard beside the vacant teachers desk as the werewolf looked in, "S-severus... uh- have you seen a girl come by here?"

"Does it look like there's a girl in here?"

"R-right. Sorry..."

The Slytherin watched as the scarred boy scurried off. "You can come out now." He said stiffly, the blonde closed the door behind her carefully, and straightened her uniform. "Thank you. I know you didn't have a reason to, but, really. Thanks." He merely gave her a curt nodd and watched as she checked both ways before running out, for some reason, he had a feeling he'd see her again. If only he realised that her face would be the last he saw when he died.

She was overreacting, she knew that. But she couldn't lose anyone else, unfortunately Dumbledore seemed to not be in, she banged her palm against the stone and swore loudly, "Come on Jazzy, think. Think think think. Make Harry proud here, come on... there's gotta be a way... where there's a Potter there's a way..."

"For crying out loud!- I'm Jasmine Lily Potter, the girl who lived. I kicked Baldymorts ass. I've travelled back in time twice! Granted the first time was by three hours and the second has taken me back thirty years... do the Marauder blood in you proud! You higgogriff bowtruckle smudgin-"

"That... explains a lot."

Jasmine, yet again found herself face to face with a Marauder who'd found out her secret, only this time it was her father.


Harry nursed his head, he looked as bad as he did when he was fifteen, as Ron so kindly pointed out, pale and thinning. Except that time, instead of feeling alone, he really was alone. Mcgonagall had said Jas was happy in the past, but Harry couldn't help but feel she had held something back.

Hogwarts had yet to open it's doors to students again so Harry was free to stay and examine the words carved into the wood for as long as he liked.

sleepy Wormtail
AND Prongs
Present  ( )
Jazzy       ●

'Why had she drawn the time turner black?' A thought asked, time turners weren't black. They were gold. He frowned slightly, he was sure he'd heard something about black time turners. Something about a rock forged from lava... he huffed in annoyance, he was not the right person for this.

Turning on his heel, he set out to find Hermione Granger.

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