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"And that, Regulus Black, is why I have faith you'll do the right thing."


The next day, Jasmine followed her father out onto the Quidditch pitch where the Gryffindor team were waiting to meet the latest member.

Especially since they hadn't actually seen her in action.

Just as they were about to greet them, James recognised Siruis' jumper, except it was on...

Just as they were about to greet them, James recognised Siruis' jumper, except it was on

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He said to his daughter.

Jas flushed but only answered with a glare.

James turned to his team, "Right. Everyone, if you haven't met already, I'd like you to meet Jasmine Granger, our new Chaser."

There were murmurs of hello, two people at the back however, said, rather obnoxiously, "Hello Siruis Blacks girlfriend!"

They were elbowed by a girl.

James rolled his eyes. "Right, Jas, our beaters our Gideon Prewett and Siruis Black, our keeper is Fabian Prewett, our seekers Chloe Wood, then the Chasers are me, you and Gwenog Jones."

Jasmines eyes widend at the girl who had elbowed the Prewett twins nodded her head respectively.

"Right! Lets get to practice!"


"Professor? What's wrong? What's the emergency?"

Jasmine had been rushed to Dumbledores office mid class, the headmaster stood behind his desk, pacing.

"We need to send you back now, this is your only opportunity."

Jas stuttered, staring at the man.

"I know this is very sudden, but it's vital you go back now-"


"Your brother has opened the gap! You need to go now, or else you won't have another chance." Dumbledores calm demeanour shattered, he took a deep breath.

Jas froze in place.

She didn't wanna go back now.

"Do you have any more of your parents blood?"

Jasmine shook her head faintly, "Dumbledore... Dumbledore please..."

He looked at her.

"I love them. Please don't make me leave."

Dumbledore placed his hands down calmly on his desk. "I understand. But you do not belong here, you must go back."

Jas' lip started to tremble, why was she crying?

Was it because she was leaving her parents behind?

As soon as the thought came, it was interrupted by an image of Siruis Black, her boyfriend. She remembered the night they carved their names into the wooden arch.

The day he handed her Farid and asked her to go out with him.

The day he pinned her to the wall and confessed to her.

Her mouth fell open helplessly as her eyes widend.

She was completely and utterly in love with Siruis Black.

And he was dead.

Jasmine didn't wait for any permission as she informed Dumbledore there was something she had to do and ran from the room.

She ran all the way to the Black Lake where Siruis stood with Remus.

Remus saw her expression- and instantly knew.

His eyes seemed to ask.

She grabbed Siruis' hand and pulled him away, his expression turning from confused to worried when he saw her tears.

"Jazzy? What's wrong?" He asked softly, wiping his thumb across her cheek.

She leaned into his touch, relishing at the contact of their skin. Her hazel eyes met Siruis' stormy grey ones, the ones that she'd found comfort in so many times, the ones that had helped her heal so much.

She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips on his. The boys eyes widend breifly in shock, he didn't get a chance to respond before her lips were already off of his.

"I love you."

I love you.

The three words that nearly broke him.

Siruis stared at her for a moment, not quite daring to believe that anyone actually loved him like that.

Jasmine took his silence as a reason to elaborate.

"I am so helplessly and hopelessly in love with you, Siruis Orion Black. And, to be honest, it terrifies me. Because I've never been in love, I don't think I could even explain it if somebody asked. Because everytime something happens, whether it's good or bad, my first thought is always you."

Jasmine wiped away a few traitorous tears from her cheeks. "And I know that right now is probaly the worst time and way to tell you, but I- I- I just wanted you-"

"I love you." Siruis cut off.

He had watched Jasmine cry while she tried to explain herself, like she had done something terribly wrong.

But she hadn't.

In fact, she was perfect. Even if every little thing made her jump. Even if she hung out with Slytherins. Even with her odd sense of fashion.

She was perfect, to him.

Siruis shook his head, "Not only do I love you, I adore you. I love when you run your fingers through my hair. I love when you threaten us to the point where we're scared to death. I love those witty come backs. I love how you snort when you laugh. I love how you just go along with my whole train wreck of a life without a second thought. I love you."


Harry and Hermione stood side by side.

"This is it," Hermione said, "Jasmine has already told Dumbledore where she's from, you said. So he'll know and send her back."

Harry stared at Hermione for a moment before saying, "Thank you. Thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done without you."

Hermione blushed lightly, "W-well, you're very welcome. But don't thank me yet, not until Jasmines back."

"Right, yeah, I know. But still, thank you for sticking by me throughout all this. I know I've been sending Ginny mad."

Hermione let out a tut, "She should try at least to be a little more understanding towards your situation. I mean, what would she do if it was Ron twenty years in the past?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. But thank you."

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