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It was all a flash, bang, and darkness in Jasmines memory

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It was all a flash, bang, and darkness in Jasmines memory.

Because before she could truly process what was happening- she was back in her time.

Her eyes wide, her knees buckling, her hands shaking as she fell to the hard, stone floor.

Harry was by her side in a split second, helping her up. Hermione was pushing the hair out of her face. Most likely talking, but Jasmine couldn't hear a thing.

When Harry finally met her eyes, she spoke.

"They're dead again, aren't they?"

His lips pressed into a thin line and he nodded grimly.

A sob escaped his sisters lips and he grimaced, not sure how exactly to comfort her. Thankfully, Hermione took over from there and quickly pulled Jas into a hug.

"Shhhh. It's okay," She cooed. "It's gonna be okay. Just take a deep breath."

Jasmine shook her head wildly, her hair tumbling.

"No," She sobbed, "Not again. Please, not again."

Tears of his own sprung to Harry's eyes. And he finally realised what she meant.


Teddy giggled and blew bubbles in his godmothers lap, tiny fist curled around a lock of her slowly fading blonde hair.

Five days.

That's how long she had been back.

Five days.

She had refused to return to her and her brothers old apartment, and instead stayed with Andromeda and Teddy.

Currently, she was sitting out on the porch, gazing off into the distance. Teddy's hair turned dirty blonde as he looked up at her.

"Okay?" His tiny voice came, making her look down. "'Mine okay?"

Jasmine gave a watery smile and nodded. "'Mine okay, she's just missing some people, that's all."

The porch door slid open and Harry stepped out, two cups of tea in his hand.

"Here, I uh, brought you something." He mumbled, holding one out.

She took it silently.

He sat down next to her, he took Teddy out of her lap and sat him in his, giving the toddler a little toy from his pocket.

"So, er, how are you?" Harry asked, "Andy said you haven't really spoken much."

"No." She agreed.

And Harry nodded.

"Look, Jasmine," He began. "I don't how to help you if you won't talk about what happend."

Tears sprung to Jas' eyes and she quickly looked away.

"You need to tell me. To tell us. We only want to help. Did you get too close to them?" He guessed. "Because that's okay! I know I wouldn't of been able to help myself either. Well, I guess I would've tried to keep my distance. Mcgonagall told me how you spent breakast with mum and played Quidditch with dad. Which was actually not a very-"

"Shut up."

Harry froze.

"Just- just shut up." Jasmine hissed, turning to face him. "You don't know anything! There's a reason I can't be around you right now and I need you to respect that."

"What reason?" He asked quickly.

Jasmine turned away again.

"Come on, tell me! What possible reason could you not want to be around me, your twin, after six months right now?"

"Because you killed Siruis."

There it was.

The four words Jasmine had been holding back.

"You- you-" Tears streamed down her face as she ignored her twins mortified expression. "You were the one with the vision. You were the one who insisted we went. You were the one who listened to Kreacher. You were the one who let your petty rivalry with Snape take over common sense. You killed him."

Harry began to shake his head. "No, no you're wrong. It was Bellatrix who-"

"Who aimed a stunning curse at him. It was you who insisted he stayed inside. It was you who told him he couldn't visit." Jasmine turned away again, "God Harry, every decsion you made you were only concerned about yourself."

"That's not true!" Harry exploded, standing up.

Thankfully, Teddy had already climbed down from his godfathers lap and was now watching the scene in confusion.

"I didn't kill Siruis! You know I didn't. I don't know what's wrong with you-"

"What's wrong with me!?" Jas fired back. "Well I am so sorry that I'm only human and not good enough for Sir Harry James Potter! May I offer my sincerest apologies that I am only human! And that, I can't be the oh-so-perfect sister you so desperately want!"

"That's not what this is about, Jasmine!" Harry thundered, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You're the one who just accused me of murdering our godfather!"

"I'm accusing you of murdering the man I love!"

Silence insued.

Harry froze, his expression gobsmacked.

Sure, he had seen the pictures, but he didn't actually think...

"The man you love?" He repeated hoarsely, looking horrified.

Jasmines expression was ashamed. She stared at her folded hands that lay in her lap, burning a hole in them.

"You're lying, right? This has all got to be some joke-"

"Of course." Jas interrupted bitterly. "If it's not what you want then it has to be."


"Excuse me."

She stood up, knocking her tea to the ground and startling Teddy. She grabbed her wand- and before Harry could do anything -apparated away.



Sorry about how short this one was, I just didn't wanna cram it all into one chapter, and (while I was writing this) my arm was still in a sling... (yes I'm really pulling that card) there will be one more chapter after this, and then a special chapter set years after, epilogue, and then...

The end.

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