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"Thank you for coming with me."

Jasmine gave her boyfriend a reassuring smile and kissed him on the cheek. "Of course."

It was the day they returned to Hogwarts. Jasmine had spent New Years with Andromeda Tonks and her family and Siruis once he had received a letter from her.

But, if Jasmine had to guess, the real reason why Siruis was so nervous was because Regulus had sent a letter to Jasmine informing her where to tell Siruis to meet him as soon as he got back to Hogwarts.

The boy had practically been a ball of nerves throughout the entire day.

They flooed into their head of houses office and parted ways, Siruis heading to the Black Lake, and Jasmine to Dumbledores office.


"The sorting hat's a what?"

"A timeless object."

Jasmine looked from the raggedy old sorting hat in her hands, to Dumbledore, then back to the hat.

"So... it what?"

"It exists at all places in time, always."

Jas stared at him with an incredulous expression. "How in the name of Rowenas left pinky does that work?"

Dumbledore chuckled softly. "It is magic much older, and much more complex then we. But it comes in helpful. Use the hat to send a message to your brother. If all goes to plan, we'll have you back in your time by the end of two months."

If all goes to plan.

She and Dumbledore had put the plan together. It was easy. Simple. But a part of Jasmine didn't want it to be.

She wanted to stay, she wanted to stay with the boy she had fallen for and her parents.

But, still, she nodded slowly, and gave the sorting hat the words it needed to repeat.


It was begrudgingly that Harry accepted the job offer from Mcgonagall to work as a part time professor.

But he needed to keep himself busy.

Another month had passed.

And while everyone seemed sick of his behaviour, Hermione stuck by him.

Without her, Harry would have probably lost his mind.

He sat in the Headmistresses office, in a hope to catch a break from all of the staring and whispers from the students.

A lot of them asked if Jasmine would be joining him in teaching- but Harry simply said that if it wasn't a question about class, he wouldn't answer it.

He hunched over the students answer sheets. Grading them. A cough caught his attention and he glanced up. The sorting hat was awake. And looking at him.

"Uhm. Yes?"

"I have a message for you. It's Febuary twenty second, 1999, correct?"


"Good. Harry-"

Harry choked on his own spit as his sisters voice came out of the hat.

"I know this is gonna sound weird, but, I kinda need you to bleed out onto the hat. It's a timeless object or.. something. Then, I need you to think about what I'm about to say. It. Isn't. Called. The. Room. Of. Requirement. For. Nothing. By the way, can we get a pug? I don't know is mine can travel through time. Also, you know that cute little store where I usaully get the sugar quills from? Well, get Mundungus to show you all the shady spots on that road. One should help you. And take Hermione with you!"

Tha hat fell silent and Harry stared at it. "That's it? That doesn't make any sense!"

The hat didn't move.

Harry let out a frustrated noise and started writing a letter to Hermione. He then marched out of the office, and walked to the Seventh floor corridor.


The next day, Jasmine sat at lunch with her mother and Marlene McKinnon. She and Lily had grown closer since Christmas, but it seemed any bonding with Marlene was impossible as an awkward silence filled the air.

The blonde continuously gave her odd looks, as though she couldn't actually believe Jasmine existed.

"So..." Lily began hesitantly. "Have a nice Christmas, Marls?"


"Oh.., that's- that's nice? Okay, that's it, what's going on?"

Marlene looked over at her friend with feigned surprise. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"With you! What's going on with you!? You keep staring at Jas, did she do something to you?"

"She's dating my ex!" Marlene exclaimed. Both of the girls seemingly forgetting the hazel eyed girls existance.

"So?" Lily began defensively. "You said you were over him!"

"I lied!"

Jasmine stilled slightly, before taking a sip of pumpkin juice and watching the scene unfold.

"Well... I guess that's just tough!" Lily snapped, "Siruis and Jasmine are happy together, Marlene."

Marlene shook her head incredulously at her best friend. "You're taking her side? What about me!?"

"What about you? You're my sister, Marls, but I know you. I know you'll come up with some crazy scheme to break them up!"

"Oh, so I don't matter now you have a boyfriend?"

"That's not the point and you know it! You and Siruis were absolutely miserable together!''

"No we weren't! You're just thinking about the little rough patch we had at the end of our relationship-"

"I'm thinking about your whole relationship! I'm trying to protect you here-"

"You sure have a funny way of showing it-"

"Stop being such a brat-"

"I'm not the one who said I hated a boy before turning right around and snogging him-"

"That's not true, and you know it! James has changed a lot since-"

"Since he bullied and humiliated your friend in front of everyone?"

"Sev was-"

"Your childhood friend, Lily! And you completely turned your back on him, just like you're doing with me-"

"No, no I'd never-"

Jasmine stood up, gathering the squabbling Gryffindor girls attention.

"You want Lily to be besties with a boy who's gonna go join the death eaters? When you specifically know she's a muggleborn? Call her a terrible friend all you want, but maybe sometime you should look in a mirror."

She grabbed her bag and marched out of the great hall for dramatic effect.

Truth be told, their fight held no interest to Jas, especially with everything she'd been through. That was one of the few similarities between her and Harry, spats like that were just mediocre to them.

Suddenly, she felt a hand latch around her wrist tightly and pulled her into a broom cupboard. She reached for her wand immediately but froze when she heard Regulus' voice.

"Tell me the truth, where are you really from?"



My Christmas/whatever you do or don't celebrate present for you all!

It all seems to be year of getting me (Jaelynn) Pets for presents becuase now, on top of me Shit-zu Tilly Ella, I have a cat called Salem!

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