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"We really need to stop finding each other like this." Jas said awkwardly, trying to put as much distance between her and her boyfriends brother as possible in the confined space of the closet.

"Answer the question, Granger. Because after my little chat with Siruis, I happened to over hear a conversation between Lupin and Potter. So tell me the truth."

Jasmine locked eyes with Regulus.

She couldn't get away now, she couldn't lie her way out of this.

But in all honesty- she just wanted someone to know. The truth, the whole truth.

She made up her mind.

"Do you have a pensieve?"



Little Harry and Jasmine lay side by side as they counted down the seconds to their eleventh birthday.

Their cousin Dudley let out a particularly loud snore as Harry said-


"Four," Jas continued.




And suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door.

"Jasmine and Harry- yer wizards."

The twins were standing beside Hagrid as witches and wizards a like came and shook their hands.

Even Quirrel.

"I t-teach d-defence ag-gainst t-the dark a-arts, b-b-but i-t's not l-like y-you n-need m-much help in t-hat d-d-department, huh, P-potters?"

Mcgonagall stood before them, the four house tables surrounding them, and Ron Weasley behind them.

"Potter, Harry!" Was called first.

Jasmine could feel the entire hall hold their breath as they waited for the hats decsion.


"Potter, Jasmine!"

Everyone- EVERYONE, waited to see if she'd be a Gryffindor like her brother.

'Another Potter, ay?' The hat said in her ear.

Jas jumped before nodding shakily.

'I think Slytherin would be the best house for you-'

"But Harrys not in Slytherin!" She whispered urgently.

'Your blood does not define you, Potter. Slytherin would help you best on your path, your decisions hold the weight of life and death, the house of green could help you do-'

"Voldemort was in Slytherin." She whispered. "He killed my parents."

"He tried to kill me."

Jasmine, Harry and Ron were standing by the entrance of the great hall, trying to leave.

But Draco Malfoy blocked their path.

"Professor Flitwick!" He called suddenly, "The Potters have brooms!"

The small man turned and made his way over to them. "Ah, yes. I heard about the special circumstances. Youngest players in a century, ay? Go on then, what brooms have you got?"

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