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A month and a half had passed since Jasmine had 'fallen' into the past and things continued as normal as possible. James had a whole new level of enthusiasm when approaching Lily, Jas began working with Remus on the late nights where she awoke with nightmares in order to produce the wolfsbane potion and Siruis continued being himself, with the hand holding and flirting, closely monitored by her father of course.

Jas also began hanging out with Narcissa. Surprisingly the woman was nothing like her husband Lucius, of course they weren't married yet but she had brought him up in conversations sometimes. Surprisingly they were often joined by Regulus, who usually scowled and made snide comments. Unfortunately that lead to the situation Jas was in now.

"Are. You. Completely. Insane."

"I actually agree with Regulus, not only do I not want to, I'm what you lot call a 'filthy half breed," She flinched slightly, "Nobody in their right mind would believe it!"

"Please. Mother and father have arranged this marrige and if our first date is to be unsupervised by them they insisted that Regulus be present."

"That doesn't explain why I have to be there." Jas responded flatly. Not all too keen with they idea of being around both Lucius and Regulus at the same time. She could barely stand the youngest Black as it was.

"Of course you don't." The Slytherin boy sneered, "She clearly wants to see how her future husband will react to being around a lesser."

"Not necessarily!" Narcissa tried to defend. "Jasmine could easily pass off as a pureblood by the way she talks!"


"Take it as acompliment, Gryffindor. It's the only one you'll get."

"Regulus! I don't mean it like that, I mean it by how nonchalant you are around us."

"Careful Cecily, that's a rather big word, we don't want to confuse our little blood traitor here now do we?"

"I'm older than you, Reg."

"Regulus," He corrected with a sneer, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Older you may be, but smarter you are not."

"And you wonder why only Narcissa acts normal around you. Cecily, I'm sorry, but as you can clearly see, we'll never be able to even pretend date."

The woman sighed and tugged a loose strand of hair. "I beg of you, please, you're my only female friend beside Bellatrix. And it's not like I could very well ask her to go out with Regulus-"

"And why not Narcissa? I thought us Blacks were all about being inbred?"

Regulus began to scowl and the girl in question visibly stiffend. "Padfoot..." Jas began warily, looking at the seventeen year old. He softend slightly under her pleading gaze. He through his hands up in mock surrender.

"Fine fine. Come on Jazzy, Prongs has called an 'emergency Marauder meeting', looked fit to burst the prat did too." He ended with a chuckle.

Jasmine breathed a laugh and bid goodbye to the two Slytherins, promising Cecily (Narcissa) that she'd think about the 'double date'.


Siruis was oddly quiet as he slung an arm around her shoulders and led her to the Gryffindor common room. He looked deep in thought but, of course, thanks to Jas' Potter genes she wasn't that observant and began to speak.

"Merlin it's hot here. They should really install air conditioning. It's this muggle thing that makes the air cool but I suppose they must have a spell for that, right? Can you imagine trying to explain that to other wizards? 'So it basically turns the air into ice?' 'For Godrics sake who keeps inviting Elvendork? No! It just cools the air down in summer.' The name Elvendork is unisex by the way, it belonged to this goblin Griphooks sister, I mean, when I first heard it I was like, 'Oh you have a brother?' And then he said, 'No she's my sister.' I had to contain my-"

𝘌𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘕𝘈𝘓  ━━  𝙎.𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang