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"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Jasmine said, turning around to face the sixth year Slytherin again.

The sight of the words Filthy half-breed seemed to have pissed Regulus off.

Jasmine just couldn't pin why.

"Who did this?" He growled, his grey eyes growing darker. "It doesn't matter, it happened years ago."

"Granger, tell me."

Jasmine hesitated, she hated lying. Well, technically she hadn't been lying but rather had been moving the time line of things up.

"Look, a couple years before I moved to England and came to Hogwarts my parents were talking about joining the Order." Jasmine didn't have to elaborate what order as she saw Regulus' eyes flicker.

"Vol- the pureblood supremacist had my parents hunted down and killed. My brother and I were lucky to escape with just a few scars. They just happen to be one of them, as well as this one."

She said, moving her fringe to show the lightning bolt scar.

"It's no big deal."

"It's no big- why would you put up with me calling you all those names, Granger? Why when you had this carved on your back?"

Jasmine looked up and squinted her eyes, she met Regulus' stormy ones and said clearly. "Because I have faith that one day you'll do the right thing."

"Oh yeah?" He sneered, looking at her disbelievingly, "And why do you believe that?"

"Because despite saying all those names, you haven't done anything to me. You care about Narcissa and don't give me that pureblood crap, you could have anybody in this whole school as your best friend but you choose Narcissa. Your blood, the one person who doesn't worship the ground you walk upon. And I saw the way you reacted just now, if I had told if was one of these guys in school who had done this to me, what would you have done?"

When he looked away and didn't answer she continued.

"I'd like to consider myself a pretty good judge of character. At least, better than my brother. I know a lot of people here are gonna turn out to be irredeemable death eaters but I have faith you will do the right thing. It's not just you I think will do the right thing either, that Severus Snape, I think he'll do the right too."

"Why?" Regulus asked finally, still looking away.

"Not to sound like Dumbledore but, love is love. It's saved my life before, several times." Regulus turned to look at her again, his expression torn slightly as if he didn't know what to do.

"My parents are my heros because even after everything they went through, they never lost faith in the people they care about. My philosophy is it's never too late. To forgive or be forgiven. I mean, we live in a world full of magic. Anythings possible. But back to the main topic, I'll know you'll do the right thing, because you're braver than peoply give you credit for."

"Bravery?" He repeated, completely caught off guard. "I don't know if you've forgotten, Granger, but we are currently standing in the Slytherin common room-"

"Braver than me, at least." Jasmine cut off. "My brother was sorted into the Ilvemorny equivalent of Gryffindor. The thunderbird approached me but I asked to be in the same house as my brother because I was scared to lose him. By the way, I so would've placed you in Ravenclaw."

"Where is this conversation going?"

"I'm not sure, I think I wore myself out by waking up so early and getting excited by the snow."

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