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Meanwhile in the after life:


The raven haired young man winced, spinning around on the immaculate white floor to look at his crazed wife. "Yes dear?"

In front if him, Sirius and Remus snickered, finding it funny that even dead, James was whipped by the feisty red head.

"Jasmines in trouble!"

Their grins dropped. Such news had never left her lips since the war, "What happend?" Remus asked quickly, thinking of his son.

"She found a freakin time turner!"

Those words would have been funny, if it wasn't for one very important thing. She was a Potter.

They all huddled towards the crack. The crack into the real world, they saw the familiar teen appear in a swirl of colourful lights, and Lily gasped.

"It's, it's-"


"It's that Jasmine!"

Alice, Frank and Marlene had joined them by that point, and all eyes fell on the two now pale men. James and Sirius' skin had shaded a light green, the realisation having hit them too.

She was that Jazzy. She was Jasmine Granger.

Very slowly, Sirius pressed his hand to his mouth in horror. He'd snogged his god daughter.

They watched young Lily escort a speechless Jasmine to Dumbledores office. James' breathing became heavy and his hand curled into a fist.


"Mate, I didn't know." Sirius reminded him, stepping away from his friend.

"You defiled my little girl!" He growled, knocking his glasses askew.

"James!" Lily screeched again, "Look!"

It seemed to be the next day, time worked differently there and things moved much faster. Jasmine was lounging next to a young Remus, two wands twisting in her fingers as she enjoyed watching James lose a game of exploding snap to Sirius.

"Uh- sorry H-James, but I've got Sirius's wand right here, there's no way he could've cheated."

A warm glow spread in Lily's chest, watching her daughter finally have light hearted fun like she was always supposed to. She could admit, Jasmine and Sirius bothered her a little, but there wasn't a whole lot she could do about it.

"Oh, my, god. I was jealous of your daughter." Marlene said suddenly, slapping a hand on her forehead. Alice broke into giggles.

"I almost forgot your memories were wiped." A voice said in vague amusement.

The group spun around, Regulus Black stood behind them with a smug expression.

"You knew!?" Sirius cried in outrage.

He scoffed, "Of course I did. She trusted me."

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