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"Siruis? What are you doing?"

Siruis stood proudly before Jasmine, his chest puffed out as he stopped in front of a wall on the seventh floor.

His hair was slightly frazzled from where he had been up late and from the multiple 'playful' headlocks James had put him in since revealing his plan.

Hogsmeade trips had been cancelled as they entered December, also known as Jas' third month of being thirty years in the past, and falling for her godfather.

Siruis started to pace, making Jasmine raise her brows questioningly, suddenly a door revealed itself in front of her, she stifled a groan as she realised they stood outside the room of requirement.

Damn Siruis and his new, distracting cologne.

Siruis en-laced their hands together and lead her into the room, making her blush. She never frickin blushed.

Jasmine froze when she entered the room. Instead of the four walls of the DA room, she saw the night sky, brass lanterns hanging from tree branches and, with a jolt, she saw that she was walking on water.

A shocked sort of laugh escaped her lips as she looked around. "Well? What do you think?"

Siruis was scratching the back of his neck nervously, waiting for the girls reaction. "W-We're walking on water..." She said, a goofy smile breaking out as she watched the ripples.

He chuckled lightly, trying to ignore his nerves. "I think it might just be designed to look like that. I just wanted it to be magical, you know? I mean of course it's going to magical, I'm a witch you're a wizard- no, heh, I'm a wizard you're a witch. Of course you don't know what I mean, I just dragged you away from Remus for no reason-"

It was true, Remus had been questioning her about the future, arguing that he was going to be obliviated anyway. Specifically asking about the scars on her back. Only for Siruis to literally grab her waist and drag her away.

"Siruis!" Jas exclaimed, stopping his awkward rambling and making him turn to face her. He cleared his throat and internally scolded himself.

"Hmm. Right. Yeah. The date."


"So, being honest here. I went over at least sixty four plans on how to ask you out."

"That's an oddly specific number."

"Moving on- But none of them seemed right. So I came up with this, Narcissa said-"

"You talked to Cecilia!?"

Siruis stared at her patronisingly, making a sheepish look cross her features. "Continue."

"So, she said that you loved dogs. Black ones to be specific.  So, I... I got permission from Dumbledore, and James for some reason-"

Jasmine snorted lightly at the thought of her father helping his best friend set up a date for her.

"-To give you this, consider it bribery. I mean, I know my good looks are a blessing enough as it is but-"



He held a large wicker basket in front of him. Suddenly Jasmine began to overthink what the hell would ever require Dumbledores permission to have.

Hesitantly she opened the wooden lid- and jumped.

Inside, was a small, black, pug. A pug. She let out an involuntary squeal of excitement and lifted the creature out. Siruis blinked owlishly, 'well she obviously likes the gift.' He thought.

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