Chapter Two: The Meeting

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Jack was taking a walk, just to clear his head. Clear his head of what, he didn't know. Everything in there was firmly cemented, and a few footsteps weren't going to loosen anything.

Anyway, reader, it doesn't matter why he was walking or what he was thinking about at this very moment (let's be honest, are Jack's thoughts really that interesting?) All that matters is that it was then he felt it.

Some strange, almost pulling energy. Energy from something or someone, he didn't know which. But he got curious, as most people would if they felt something pulling on them when they were just taking a nice walk.

Since Jack was a Nephilim, he wasn't too concerned about this thing hurting him, and he decided to follow it. He could feel where it was. So he closed his eyes, and half a second later he was there.

In a little crappy abandoned shed two miles from where he was standing. 

Then he saw a girl at the back, huddled beside some junk, watching him. He tilted his head slightly in the thoughtful way of all angels and sheathed his knife. He held up his hands for a moment. "It's okay. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The girl stood up and took a shy step forward. Jack felt the energy increase.

As she got closer, he could see her own hand was on the hilt of what looked like a sword. "Who are you?" He asked.

The girl smirked. "I'm an angel, moron."

Jack's eyes widened briefly, not because he believed her (he wasn't sure yet) but because of how fast she changed from scared hiding girl to sword-wielding badass. "Interesting," he said, "So am I."

Her eyes narrowed for a moment as if she were studying him. Then they began to glow a piercing gold and her wings spread, big and majestic as any angel wings Jack had ever seen.

Instantly Jack's mouth opened slightly. He shut it quickly and repeated the gesture, glowing eyes and wings, all that angel stuff.

Now she looked shocked. "You have gold eyes."

"So do you."

The angels dropped their wings and put out their eyes before stepping within two feet of each other. "What's your name?" Jack asked.

"Monica. Yours?"

"Jack. Wo are your parents?"

"Lucifer and Amanda Smith, the temporary vessel of the angel Yariel. What about you?"

"Lucifer and Kelly Kline, a human woman." Jack's eyes widened as he realized this girl was his sister.

Monica smiled. "Hello, my Nephilim brother. Nice to meet you. I knew I felt something."

Jack just blinked a few times. "So are you..."

"Double angel power!" She said, with exaggerated excitement. "Yeah, my mom unknowingly banged the devil and then, during pregnancy, was used as Yariel's vessel."

Jack stepped closer, studying her, trying to see into her soul. "Why haven't we met?"

"We were on other ends of the earth, I guess." Monica didn't seem interested in going into detail. 

"Wait, if you're a year old and the child of technically two angels why do you still look fourteen?"

Monica shrugged. "Long story. Look, if I could grow up faster, I would, trust me. But I can't. Some stupid angels tried to kill me with a spell when I was born--I had made myself around twelve at the time. Anyway, it didn't work, it just took away my ability to do some things. Monica looked down at herself. "But, yeah, I definitely want to get out of this developing hormonal nightmare."

Jack just stared at her a moment, still in shock. Then he thought about Sam, Dean, And Cass. "Monica," he breathed. "There are people you need to meet." 

Author Note: Hello, my wonderful readers. Thank you so much for reading, and don't forget to tell me what you think! Chapter three might take a little longer to get on here, so I ask your patience. Thanks again!


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