Chapter Thirty: Jack In The Box, Part One

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Author Note: So I gave Monica her own story in this one, I hope it's not too boring (please let me know if it is so I can fix it) As always, thank you so much for reading! I hope you like it!


Monica threw the spell in her bag with food, water, and a bowl from the ancient Greeks (apparently the spell was picky about what bowl you used) and a hairbrush, for good measure.

She looked at the clock. 3:34 A.M. She sighed. Sorry, Castiel. She blocked him from sensing her, even though the odds that they would be close enough for that to be possible were slim.

Now, the first ingredient. Lamb's heart. That she already had, in a plastic bag inside a Tupperware container. Second: The blood of San Gennaro. Monica winced. Oh, well. She teleported to Naples and made herself invisible before slipping through all the doors and locks. This was obviously an incredibly important artifact, so she only took a couple tablespoons and left, hoping no one would notice.

She looked back to the list. Fibers from the belt of the Virgin Mary, a piece of wood from the cross Jesus was crucified on, the forbidden fruit, myrrh. This would be difficult. But, with determination, she set out. Fortunately, locks and guards and secret temples and even 200 feet below the ground were not hard places to access.

The forbidden fruit was the hardest, but after a bit of searching and mind-reading, she found some in New York, in a demon's dresser drawer. Apparently she was going to use it for a spell, also. She pulled out an angel blade and stabbed Monica through the side.

Monica looked down at the wound, then at the woman, and quirked an eyebrow. She shone gold as she healed herself, then spread her wings and smote the demon, leaving before anyone came to check out the screams.

Now, the last ingredient.
A soul from hell.

This would be harder.

Sure, as Lucifer's daughter, most demons would probably love if she came. However, as Lucifer's daughter, it was unlikely they'd let her go.

For a minute, she hesitated, wondering what Sam and Dean were doing. She checked her watch. It had already been eight hours since she left. She sent a silent prayer that Jack was okay and hadn't killed anyone, and that no one was worried about her. She knew the only one she'd have to give a real answer to was Castiel, but she had enough time to come up with a lie if this didn't pan out.

Monica sucked in her breath and closed her eyes.

She landed in the doorway of hell.


"What about Monica?" Sam asked, desperate for a good point. "When she finds out we're locking up her brother for all eternity, she's gonna be pissed. She's mini female god, Dean."

"Really?" Dean spun on his brother. "'Cause she hasn't been showing it. When's the last time she was able to do anything?"

"We can't do this to her. You know you won't be able to lock him up, not with her."

"I know we don't have a choice, Sam! I know she's gone, and we have one chance, and there is no other way." He stepped closer to his brother. "I don't want to do this, either, but there's nothing else we can do."

"What are you going to tell her when she gets back?" Sam asked.

Dean sighed. "Same thing we're gonna tell Cass. The truth."

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