Chapter Five: Choices

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    "Monica." Someone nudged her gently.

Monica's eyes opened slowly. She blinked a few times before focusing on the figure in front of her. Mary.

"Are you okay?"

Monica nodded.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Mary left the room.

Monica looked around. She was on her bed. She had passed out on the floor. Someone must have put her here. She wondered, who?

Then Jack sat beside her. "Hi. How are you doing?"

Monica sat up. "I'm fine."

"What happened?"

Monica looked at him, then immediately regretted it. He was looking at her with those soul reading eyes. "I...I was just overwhelmed. I don't know what happened. But I'm okay."

"Good." He sounded like he believed it, but his eyes said something else.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"I never said that."

"I know." Her voice hardened.

Just then Mary entered the room. "Are you feeling okay, Monica?"

"I'm fine."

Mary smiled. "Good. What happened?"

Monica looked at Jack out of the corner of her eyes. "I just got overwhelmed. I don't know. Excitement, probably. I'm fine."

Mary looked almost convinced. "Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything."

Monica nodded. After Mary left, she turned to her brother. "I only just met you two days ago. Isn't it a little early for accusations? Admit it. You think I'm lying."

Jack blinked calmly. "Well, are you?"

Monica's eyes flashed with surprise. "No. And that's not a lie, either. Look, I don't know what sort of literal sibling bond we have, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't include soul reading. If it did, I would know. So whatever makes you think what you do, it's not accurate." Monica stared at him a moment for extra effect. Only then did she realize, she knew what he was feeling. And thinking. Without even trying to read his mind. Her eyes widened. Oh crap. Soul reading is included. "Are you doing what I'm doing?"


Monica gripped him by the edges of his jacket. "I asked, are you doing what I'm doing? And don't say you don't know what I mean."

"Okay," Jack said slowly. "Um...yes?"

"You're reading me."

He gave an almost reluctant nod.

"Crap." Monica let him go and fell back onto her bed. "Okay. So you know...what do you know?"

"Only what you let me see."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means, you're blocking off most of it without knowing it."

"Oh." Monica thought for a moment. "Good."

"So...what really happened?"

Monica shook her head. "Doesn't matter. It wasn't real." She stood up. "I'm not going to spend all day in this room." She walked out.

Jack was, technically, stalking his sister. He didn't call it that, of course. He figured if it was for the right reasons it didn't matter. The only catch was making sure she didn't know. But she had seemed keen on ignoring him lately, so he wasn't concerned. She had dedicated her first week with them to research, about every single thing they hunted. She really didn't know anything, which Jack found surprising, but he didn't say anything. She read, she practiced using knives and guns and Holy water, reciting every exorcism.

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