Chapter Ten: Promises

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Monica barely heard the knock on her door. She had discovered the magic of music, and had spent every spare moment with headphones on her ears, turned up louder than what was probably safe.

She opened it to see Jack. "Jack. Hi." She stepped aside. "What are you doing?"

"Not much. I just wanted to see what you were up to." He looked at the computer. Carry You by Ruelle was playing.

(Reader, if you have a minute, you should seriously check out Carry You. It could be any character from Supernatural's theme song.)

Monica sat on the bed and patted the seat beside her. Jack sat down. "Are you okay, Monica?"

"Of course," she said, but the words were hollow. She looked at her brother, eyes wide with worry. "Jack, what if we can't find Dark Kaia? If we don't have the spear, we probably won't be able to kill Michael." She looked at her hands. "Even I can't kill him without the right weapon."

"Hey, don't say that. We will. We will find her, and the spear, and we will kill Michael. You will get revenge."

Monica gave a half-nod.

"What's wrong? You seemed fine yesterday." Jack stroked his sister's hair.

"I'm fine, Jack. Don't worry about me." The words were flat, as if like she had rehearsed them a hundred times.

"That's not how family works. You worry about me, I worry about you."

Monica let out her breath. "Even with Michael dead, I won't be safe."

"Yes, you will. We're not going to let anything happen to you."

"No." She looked at him, drilling into his soul. "They're coming, Jack."

"What's coming?" Jack looked at her with that lost-puppy expression of confusion.

"Something bad." Monica's palms were flashing softly. "I can feel it. Something dark is coming. Coming for me."

Jack blinked. "No. Nothing is going to get you, Monica."

"Jack, we have to be realistic." Her heart was pounding faster. "I don't know why anyone wants me, now that they've seen I'm not causing trouble. But they have to have a reason. Some secret is out, and everyone is in on it but us." She sighed. "There are only two things that will kill me, Jack. My own sword, and God's will. No weapon, no matter what it does to me, I will come back from it. But this--" She drew it from underneath her pillow. "It's like an insurance policy. If things got too bad, I always vowed to kill myself. One time I tried, but that was when I learned it couldn't be me that did it. If I try to drive it through my heart--" She drove it towards her chest so fast Jack didn't have time to say anything. He sucked in his breath.

"--My body blocks it." She was glowing now, a soft gold force that kept the blade. "But if you can kill me. Sam, Dean, and Cass can kill me."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, when I tell you to, you drive this blade through my heart without a second thought."

"What? No. Stop talking like that. I'm not--I'm not killing you."

She huffed. "You can and will. Promise me, Jack. You have to promise me. If I tell you to, you kill me."

Jack's eyes dropped to the gleaming blade in her hand. 

Author Note: Sorry this chapter was so short. I just felt I should include something about what happened between Jack and Monica between Byzantium and The Spear. So...I'm sort of struggling with what the heck I should do with this story, so please, I NEED SOME FEEDBACK. Please. Anyway, thank you so much for reading, you guys are the best!

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