Chapter Thirty Two: Moriah, Part One

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"You lied to me!" Jack screamed, and sent Sam, Dean, and Cass flying into the wall.

The only one he didn't throw was Monica, who stood in front of him, unable to move in shock.

Their eyes met for a split second before he vanished, and Monica could have sworn there was a flicker of passing regret in his. But before she could speak, he was gone.

She turned and helped Castiel get up, pushing away a board. He patted her arm in thanks and looked around the room. "I don't understand.

The Ma'lak box can hold an archangel."

"Jack's not an archangel," Monica whispered.

Dean shot her a glance. "Yeah, apparently, the kid leveled up."

"So, what do we do?" Castiel asked.

"We find him," Dean replied, his face set in stone-cold determination.


Dean sent him a glare, then looked at Monica. "Track him."

She wasn't able to look at him when she murmured the words, "I can't."

"Why the hell not?"

She figured now was not the time to announce her stupid decision. So instead, she swallowed and uttered the only reasonable lie she could think of. "He's blocking me."

"Great." Dean huffed.

Before things got too ugly, Sam stepped in. "Okay, the last time we found Jack, it wa—it was by praying to him, but that's not gonna happen again."

"Yeah, you think?" Dean snapped.

Castiel looked at Dean, his own eyes now dark with anger. "You should never have tried to lock him away."

Dean spun on him. "You know what? You're right. I never wanted to put him in that damn box. I wanted him dead."

Monica flicked her eyes up to meet his at that moment.

Dean instantly shifted his away.

Castiel placed his hand on her arm and pulled her back a few inches, as if he could shield her from Dean's words. "Dean."

"He's dangerous, Cas, and you knew it! You both knew it! You've known it for a long time! But that's okay. You know why? Because me and Sam, we've killed just about everything there is. And this -- Jack -- oh, we'll find a way. Because he's just another monster."

At this, it was like someone dropped a brick in her stomach. She stepped forward and faced Dean. "So I'm just a monster?" She asked, trying to keep her voice from cracking.

Dean looked at her. "You've never killed anyone. You have never hurt anyone. You have a soul."

Defeated, she stepped back to Castiel, trying to blink away her tears. Castiel jerked her back, giving Dean a look that could kill. "You don't mean that."

"The hell I don't."

They stared at each other for a minute, Dean still as a rock, Castiel practically shaking in anger. Finally he stormed up the stairs, dragging Monica with him. She kept her eyes on Dean as she walked, though, scanning, searching for even a sliver of love he still had for her brother.

"Don't listen to him," Castiel muttered to her, grabbing his phone and heading for the door. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"You're going to take us to hell." He looked at her. "I know you can do that."

She swallowed and let out a shaky breath. "Not anymore."
"What?" He asked, in a voice like broken glass.

She held out one of her palms. "I'm human now."

He stared at her. "What. Did you. Do?"

"We don't have time for this." She tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm in a grip of iron.
"You aren't going anywhere until you tell me what happened."

He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in front of him so that their eyes met.

Monica hesitated for a moment. "I found a spell. In Rowena's stuff. And I used it, and...yeah."
"So that's what you were doing. Do you have any idea what you could have done? How worried I was about you? Of all the stupid things to do--why didn't you tell me?!"

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to find God?" She shot back.

Castiel opened his mouth, then closed it. "Great." He turned halfway and took a deep breath. "What kind of spell was it?"

"I don't remember."

"What did you use in it?"

"Just--normal spell stuff. And a soul from hell," she added quietly.

With that, he spun on her. "You went to hell alone?! You are the daughter of Lucifer! Do you have any idea how stupid that was?"

"It's over now, Castiel! I couldn't change it if I wanted to. I'm fine, I did the spell, but instead of giving Jack his soul, it made me human."
He sighed and closed his eyes. "Why would it do that?"

"I don't know. It was supposed to give you what you wanted most. I didn't want this, though--at least I didn't know I did."

Castiel opened his eyes. "I am going to kill that witch."
"No! It's not her fault. She told me not to take it. I put her to sleep and wiped her memory and--I stole it. It's my fault, I swear."
He studied her for a moment. "Come on. We'll get back to this later." He shoved her out the door and into the truck.

Neither of them said another word.               


 When at last they reached their destination, an alley in the middle of nowhere, Monica's mind was on anything but her stupid decision. Actually, she was thinking about what a stupid decision this might be. But Castiel seemed confident, or at least hopeful, and she wasn't in any mood to argue again.

"I need to go to hell," he demanded through the slot.

The demon stared at him for a brief second. "You mean, like, metaphorically or..."

"No. Literally. And I understand you can take us."

The demon looked from him to Monica and her eyes widened. "You," she breathed. "Nope. Not happening. Sorry."

Castiel looked at Monica then at the demon. "You know her?"

The demon smirked. "Sure, if you want to call it that."

"What would you call it?" Monica asked.

"I was lucky I wasn't there that day when you made your grand entrance is what I would call it."

"Well this, this -- it's different," Castiel tried. "She won't hurt you. I need time to see the Cage and study it."

"Yeah, that's a no. So you can go to hell -- metaphorically." The demon shut the slot.

"No, don't," Castiel said, but it made no matter.

Monica looked down, feeling like this was somehow her fault.

"Wow. Yeah," came a voice from behind them.

Monica spun and sucked in her breath. Even without her power, she knew who it was.

"You guys are screwed."

"God?" Castiel breathed. 


Author Note: Hello, wonderful readers! I just want to say thank you for making it this far, it means a lot to me. 

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