Chapter Thirty One: Jack In The Box, Part Two

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She teleported back to the shed Jack first found her in. She needed somewhere private, but close to home, in case something went wrong.

But it wouldn't, she told herself.

It couldn't go wrong.

She looked at the spell. Everything was mixed, all you had to do was close your eyes and whisper the chant, and it would grant your deepest desire.

So Monica closed her eyes, and started speaking. She knew when Jack got his soul back, she'd feel it.

She finished speaking and waited.

One minute.

Then two.

She opened her eyes and stood up, reading the spell frantically. What had she done wrong?

Suddenly she felt an odd sort of pain in her palms. It changed from a sting to fire and finally an agonizing explosion, as if someone were slicing through every nerve with a knife. Monica fell back to her knees, screaming. The pain spread through her arms, legs, into her face and through her eyes. Every inch of her being was as if it were being carved out.

Then it stopped.

Monica was shaking, gasping for air. Slowly, she turned her trembling hands to see her palms.

The sigils were gone.

She tried to spread her wings, but--they were gone.

The only color her eyes would hold was brown.

She held out a hand towards a window and focused with all her concentration.

Nothing happened.

Tears beading at the corners of her eyes, she pulled her knife from her bag to do the final test. She cut just a little slit on her neck.

All that was there was blood.

It dawned on her, and she lost all ability to think or even breathe.

She was human.

Because that's what the spell thought was her deepest desire. And maybe it was, a few minutes ago. But all Monica knew now was that she had made a mistake. Actually, 'mistake' didn't justify it.

Knowing she had nowhere to go but home, she pushed aside the hurricane of dread in her stomach and closed her eyes to teleport.

Then she remembered she couldn't do that anymore.

So she began the walk.

She got home a few minutes later and walked in the door. There was no one around. "Castiel!" she called, knowing he would be the easiest to bear the news to.


"Jack! Sam! Dean! Anyone home?"

Then everything went dark.

The alarms went off, the lights pulsed red. She followed the crashing sounds, running down the halls frantically.

She skidded to a stop in the doorway and stepped inside.

Just in time to see her brother rise from the dust, eyes blazing the color of fire.


Author Note: Here we are, the end has come! Moriah will probably take longer than the others have lately, (but note that whenever I say later or a long time, it often ends up being incredibly fast) anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed! Thank you all so much for reading, I really appreciate it!

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