Chapter Twenty Three: Don't Go In The Woods, Part One

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Author Note: I couldn't figure out how to work Monica into Sam and Dean's or Jack's story, so I gave her her own. Don't forget to let me know what you think, and thanks so much for reading, you guys are the best!


"Hey, guys." Monica and Jack looked up to see Sam and Dean. "Good reading?" Dean asked.

"Yes. Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code officially makes it against the law to turn a human into a zombie?"

Dean blinked. "Good." He looked at Monica.

"I'm learning magic," she said proudly.

"Wait, what?" Dean asked.

"Like Rowena." She smiled when she saw his face. "Relax, I'm not turning into a witch. Just thought it'd be good to know a few spells."

Sam looked at them both. "Guys, listen. Dean and I are heading out on a case."

" don't want us to come?" Jack asked.

Monica gave them both a quick scan to see what their deal was. She swallowed when she saw it and hid behind her book again. If Sam and Dean felt anything, they didn't show it.

"Look, truth is --" Sam started, but Dean cut him off.

"We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case, uh, Mom or... some of the other Hunters call and need help, so... And this place is long overdue for a restock. So, uh, your mission, should you choose to accept -- made you a list." Dean handed him a list. While he read it, Monica looked at Dean. "Why can't Jack just stay home and I go with?"

"Uh--" Truth was, it was a good question. Dean tried to meet the knowing, inquisitive eyes before him. "We just think it's better to have two people at home. If something happens, you have each other."

"Sure," she said slowly, then looked back to her book. "Well, goodbye boys," she purred from behind her page. "Stay safe."

"Uh, yeah, we will," Dean said quickly. "We'll stay in touch."


"I'll stay home, actually," Monica said as Jack got ready to leave. "I never liked shopping."

Jack studied her for a moment. "Um, okay. I'll be back soon."
"I know." Monica waited for the door to close, then counted to thirty. She jumped up and grabbed the book she actually wanted to read. To All The Boys I've Loved Before, by Jenny Han. She knew Dean would probably mock it the second he saw it, so she kept it hidden under her pillow. Since she got her powers back, she had been doing a lot of late night teleporting to shop. She was well stocked in books, Oreos, and makeup.

She had gotten to chapter fifteen before Jack got back. She heard the door open, and two minutes later he came into the room. He seemed rather happy, until his eyes fell on her. Then his face washed over with an, 'oh, crap' look.

Monica shoved the book underneath her and looked at him. "How was shopping?"

"Fine." He sighed. "So...I'm going to be leaving in a few hours."

"To go where?"
"I made some friends."

"You're going to spend time with your friends and you don't want me there. That's fine. Have fun."

Jack blinked, surprised. "Uh--okay. Good." He walked over to where she was sitting. "What are you reading?"

Monica's mind went blank. "Ancient Eygptian curses," she blurted.

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