Chapter Four: Fear

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Monica. Monica, listen."

In her dream, Monica bolted up and turned to see her father. "What do you want now?"

"Why do you always assume I want something? No, I just wanted to see how you were settling in. And, you know, talk about when you're going to leave this joint."

"Why would I leave?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Monica, sometimes I swear you're as stupid as your brother. They're coming for you, sweetling. And when they find you, they'll take you and kill all your new friends. In other words, you're putting them in danger." He sighed and walked towards her. "We've been through this. You can't have a home. You can't have a family. It's not going to happen. So get your head out of the clouds and leave. Okay?"

Monica looked down in thought. When she looked up again, her father was gone.

And then Monica woke up in real life.

She bolted up in bed and was three feet away from a blond woman watching her with a gentle look on her face.

"Good morning, sweetie. I'm Mary. Sam and Dean's mother. I'm sorry if I startled you."

Monica shook her head. "No. It's okay. Um...good morning?"

Mary smiled. "I found you some other clothes. Jack said you didn't have any but what you were wearing."

Monica looked at herself. She had used the same change of clothes for months. Too-tight jeans and a loose sweater to hide the fact that she didn't have a bra. She was never sure how to get one, it seemed awkward to walk into a store, grab a bra, and check out. So she just winged it, like everything else.

She took the pile. Leggings, jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters. And, at the bottom, three sports bras. "Thank you," she murmured.

"Of course," Mary said. "Anything else you need?"

"No, thank you."

"Okay." Mary smiled again and left the room.

It took Monica a little bit to figure out the bras, but she did, and when she was done she admired herself in the screen of her phone. (There was no mirror.)

She brushed her hair and washed her face and did all the other things girls her age normally did. She was about to leave the room when Lucifer appeared in front of the door. "Where are you going?"

She stepped back, eyes narrowed. "You aren't real. I'm imagining you."

"Then why don't you open the door?"

"Just leave me alone. I'm staying here."

"Until they find you."
"I won't let them."

"Yeah, because that always worked so well." Lucifer smirked. "In a week you'll leave."

"You don't know that. You aren't real."

Monica took a breath and opened the door. As always, he disappeared right before she touched him.

She knew little about the building, therefore she almost got lost. Almost. She could feel Jack, so she just followed his energy, all the way to what looked like a kitchen. I have a home with a kitchen. Monica struggled to contain her smile.

Jack turned to see her. "Good morning."

"Hi." Monica perched on a chair and reached for a banana. She'd never had one before, but she'd heard good things. She stared at it for a moment. Were you supposed to peel it? How? Monica looked up and saw Jack watching her. " do you open these?"

Jack took it and showed her how to peel. She smiled. "Thanks." She shoved nearly half of it in her mouth and paused, trying to decide if she liked it. It was soft and sweet--kind of like vanilla pudding. Monica loved pudding. She took another bite.

Sam walked into the room and smiled when he saw Monica. Her cheeks were full and her eyes were wide with wonder. "Good morning." He studied her. "I see Mary found you some clothes."

Monica swallowed. "Yeah. Your mom is nice."

"Yeah. She is." Sam sat and grabbed an apple. "So, Monica. What do you think so far?"

"It's nice." She looked around. "Better than before."

"Enjoy it while it lasts."
Monica froze and turned to see her father.

"What? Come on, don't give me that look. You know what will happen. Remember that nice place with that woman...Florence? In Rhode Island, I believe. Michael found you and made you watch as he smote her. He would have killed you had you not hit him with that frying pan at just the right moment. Remember? You threw it and flew off, all the way to the Amazon rainforest. You made a friend with that sloth."

"Monica?" Sam asked, but the girl barely acknowledged it.

"You can't run. Er, you can, but not forever. And you can't hide forever, either. Eventually, they're gonna find you."


"And now instead of one person, you kill five. How many lives will it cost before you finally realize there is no getting away."

"Monica." Jack touched her shoulder, and as soon as he did she jolted.

"Oh. Sorry. I just..." she looked down at her now glowing palms, then back to her brother. "I'm fine."

Sam nodded understandingly, but Jack didn't look the slightest bit convinced. Monica supposed it had something to do with the literal sibling bond. She clasped her hands together to hide her palms. Inside, her thoughts and feelings were a spiral. Michael is still coming for me. Just like the rest of them. She looked at Jack and Sam. I won't let him hurt you, she said to them in her head. She wished she could say it out loud.

"I... I need a minute." She tried not to look hurried as she left the kitchen and went to her room, her breath growing heavy. She thought she could feel him, Michael. Relax. He's not here. You're just working yourself up. Then he appeared, out of the corner of her eye.

"Hello, Monica."

Just a hallucination. If he were real, it would feel different. Still, her heart was racing, and Lucifer's words replayed in her mind.

She had just made it through the door of her bedroom when she passed out cold. 

Hi, wonderful readers. Well...what do you think? Usually, I do a few more drafts before I post something, this I just typed in half an hour and got it on here. Please, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about anything, this is my first fanfiction (obviously) and I'd like to get it right. As always, thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me. 


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