Chapter Seventeen: Prophet and Loss, Part Two

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Author note: This chapter's a little longer than normal...sorry. I think I'll skip the next episode (Lebanon) and go straight to Ouroboros. (Yay, Ouroboros!) Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas about this chapter or any future chapters. Also, I'm sorry this case Jack and Monica are working doesn't exactly line up with everything. It's the first time I've ever tried to make up a case, so you'll have to forgive me for it being messy. Anyway, thanks so much for reading, and I'll let you get to it!


 An hour later, as she was reading Stranger Things fanfiction, an alert popped up on her screen.

Another death.

In the same town.

And by the sound of it, by the same killer.

"Jack?" She called.

He walked over. "What?"

"Look." She turned the computer around so he could see.

Jack read it and sighed. "We can't go back now. It's too late. Besides, there was nothing else there that could have had her remains in it. We checked the whole room. Maybe it's not Jessica. Maybe it's not even a ghost."

"Jack, the witnesses said the room got cold. And a dark shadow killed their friends. It's a spirit."

"Does it matter? Monica, you know we can't go back there."

"I know another girl is dead. Look, they won't be back for at least another couple hours. Please, Jack."

Jack studied her for a minute, then sighed. "Fine. But--" he said after her face lit up "--two hours. That's it."

"Great." She beamed.

"It never really made sense anyway," Jack thought out loud as they drove. "All the murders occurred in different places. So if this is a cursed object, how is it moving? What is it?"

"What I don't get is why she's killing Matt's new girlfriends instead of him. He's the one that cheated on her."

"Maybe she still loves him too much that she doesn't blame him for being a jerk, but the other girls for being there."

"Jack, what if there is no cursed object and it's just her remains? Because we can't get to those. Can a ghost choose between their remains or an object? Or is it both?"

"I don't know," Jack said, parking. He turned to her. "Who was the last victim?"

"Addison Reed."

She showed him.

They went to her house.

"Hello, Mrs. Reed? Is it okay if we speak to you about your daughter Addison?"

Mrs. Reeds shook her head. "I wasn't there. I didn't see anything. There isn't anything to tell, anyway. She had no enemies, she didn't know anyone weird. She was just a perfect girl..." The tears had started flowing again. Behind her, a teenage girl walked down the stairs.

"Mom?" She walked to her mother, looking at Jack suspiciously.

"We're FBI," Monica explained. "Well, he is. I'm just his cousin. We're here about Addison."

The girl nodded, her face suddenly a wash of grief. "She was my sister. I was there when she died. If you want to ask questions, ask me."

"Uh--sure," Jack said. They went inside.

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