Chapter Thirty Three: Moriah, Part Two

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"You guys are screwed."

"God?" Castiel breathed.

"Eh..." Chuck said, as if waiting.

Castiel rolled his eyes. "Chuck."

"There you go."

"Is it really...How are You here?" Castiel asked.

"You called me."

Monica shot Cass a look. She would have liked to be included in calling God.

"My prayer? That's why you're here."

Chuck shrugged. Yeah. Well, that and...him. Jack. He's a problem."

Chuck snapped his fingers and they were

In an office building.

"See, this is why people need to lie. It's good. Keeps the peace, you know?"

Monica looked around. Everyone was shouting or crying about something pathetic.

"Seems like an odd stance," Castiel said. Monica nodded.

"Yeah. Doesn't it say in the Bible not to lie?"

Chuck shifted his eyes to meet hers. "Yeah, see how many people do you know who actually follow that? It's more of a less-is-more kinda thing, you know?"

Monica thought. "I guess. Still, that's an odd standpoint from your position."

"Is it? I'm a writer. Lying's kind of what we do."

Castiel walked ahead. "Sam! Dean!"

"Cas?" Sam asked. "Where's Monica?"

"Right--" Cass turned only to see his counterpart was no longer by his side.

"I'm right here," Monica called, maneuvering between a couple of people.

Dean opened the conference room door and gestured inside. "Cas." He gave him a brief glance. "How'd you get here?"

"He brought us," Castiel replied, gesturing behind him as he walked into the room.

"Hey, guys." Chuck looked at Sam and Dean. "I know what you're thinking -- it's been awhile, and I still look pretty good."

"No, that's -- that's not what we were thinking," Sam stammered.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dean practically roared.

Chuck sat down. "Well, you know, it's a funny story. It reminds me of a song." Chuck picked up the guitar only for Dean to bash it into the floor several times.

"Answer the damn question!"

Instead, Chuck only smiled. "It's a little cramped in here, don't you think?"

He snapped his fingers and they were in the bunker.

"There. That's better.'s things?"

Monica was only able to stare at him, still trying to process that Gad was standing in front of her.
Chuck glanced around the room. "Okay, look. I get it. All right, I'm from the deus from the machina, and you have questions. So, great. Go."

"Yeah, like Dean said, where have you been?" Sam asked.

Chuck sighed. "It's hard to explain. Um...everywhere and nowhere, to the edge of the universe and beyond. And I saw Springsteen on Broadway. Man's a genius."

"What about Amara?" Monica asked quietly, even though she'd never met Amara.

Chuck looked at her again, the same way he had before. There was something in his eyes, not annoyance, but--knowledge. Like he saw through her every move. Monica shifted uncomfortably and waited for the answer.

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