Chapter 18: ... Acquiring birds...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kiel: Who... Are you... ?

Raphtalia: Kiel, it's you, right ?! It's me, Raphtalia...

Kiel: Don't come any closer !! Everyone's... Dead... Lifana, and Raphtalia as well... No one is here anymore...

Naofumi: I've seen those eyes before.

"Yes, me too... Those are the same eyes you once had."

Raphtalia: Please, give us a little time. I'll talk a little about the Kiel I knew. The Kiel I knew, collected pretty shells for his father's birthday celebration, and dived into the ocean and almost drowned, and I had to get Sardina to help you...

Raphtalia: And oh, that's right. There was that time when you ate that poisonous mushroom and hurt your stomach and I was hiding. When you spotted me you said "Please don't tell anyone.".

Kiel: Raphtalia ?!! Ughhh...

Raphtalia: Don't push yourself, Kiel.

Kiel: There's no way... I mean... The Raphtalia I knew was small and cute and small... But not this beautiful...

Raphtalia: I'm currently a slave of the Shield hero. My level has gotten a lot higher since then...

Kiel: the Shield... Hero... ?

Raphtalia: Wait a second, I'll undo those for you now.

Kiev: It's really real... It's not a dream... Raphtalia, is it okay... Is it okay to, believe in you ? To live... Once again under that flag...

"Will he be alright ?"

Raphtalia: It's okay, he's only passed out. He'll need some healing though.

"Yes, let me deal with it..."

Melty: This... Something like this... I will not forgive it. It is horrible that this was even allowed to happen.

Naofumi: ... That's true. But most likely the same things are going on all over the country.

Melty: Every... Where...

Naofumi: This country discriminates against semi-humans a lot more than you do. That and honestly, seeing this, aren't you seized with fear ?

Melty: Naofumi ! If you look at a scene like this, do you feel nothing ?!

"It's not that we feel nothing. That's why you should help with Raphtalia's revenge."

Naofumi: Are you okay now ? We're going, it would be pointless to stay too long.

Raphtalia: Something seems strange, doesn't it ?

Naofumi: Yeah. It's eerily silent...

"Is something wrong, Filo ?"


"You've got to be kidding me... This guy wasn't dead ?!"

Fat: So you've shown your faces ! Demons !! But this is your end !!

Naofumi: You... What did you...

Fat: That's right, I should've done this from the start. You demons and those filthy semi-humans... ! I SHALL CLEANSE ALL OF THIS WORLD'S IMPURITIES !! WITH THE POWER OF THIS ANCIENT DEMON !!!

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