Chapter 9

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Grayson's P.O.V
I woke in a strange room. I sat up and realized everything that had happened yesterday. I really hope no one saw us or else the girl who I had no idea was and I were both fucked. And then it hit me, I had seen Sofia standing at the end of the corridor looking at me and the girl her eyes wide, and tears going down her face.

I quickly got up and put my pants on. I went out of the room and found no one at the house. I called an Uber and left to Sofia's apartment.

When I got to Sofia's apartment no one was there. Everyone was probably sleeping after the party last night. I found a woman in the kitchen around my mom's age.
"Hi. Ms? I was wondering if you have seen Sofia today? I asked the woman.
"Oh yes, son. She came home alone yesterday and ran into her room. I tried to ask her what happened but her door was locked. You can try though. She looked sad, she needs you." The woman said and I felt a pang of guilt. I went over to Sofia's rooms door and took out a coin and opened the lock.

I slowly opened the door and I found Sofia lying on the carpet in front of her bed, her beautiful orange dress from last night still on. I went over and picked her up and placed her I her bed. I looked at her angelic face. She had been crying. I found a wet towel in her bathroom and wiped her makeup carefully off trying not to wake her. Then I slowly removed her dress as it was probably uncomfortable and I put an oversized flannel on her over her underwear and buttoned it up. I pulled the covers over her body and tucked her in.

I looked around her room. There was a picture of her and I was guessing her parents in a park together from when she was younger. She was sitting on the swing and her mom was pushing her while her dad high fived her. They were such a happy family. I couldn't help but smile.

I turned around and went back towards her bed but I knocked over a rack of clothes causing Sofia to wake up. She stared at me for a few seconds
"Grayson get out"
"Sof let me explain. I-"
"Get the fuck out, Grayson! I don't want to here it. I can't here it anymore." She yelled and then started crying again. I knew I couldn't leave her so I went up to her bed and sat down.
I put my hand on her thigh and looked at her;
"Look. I'm so sorry about what happened. I was drunk and had no idea what was happening. I didn't know I could have hurt your feelings like that. Please forgive me."
Sofia looked at me and just nodded and lay down facing the other way. I lay down behind her and just spooned her until we fell asleep.

I woke up to a call on Sofia's phone. I picked it up for her. It was Natalie.
"Hey, Natalie, it's Grayson"
"Hey Grayson what are you doing with Sofia's phone right now."
"Oh never mind that. Just tell me what you have to tell her. She's sleeping I'll tell her later"
"Oh okay. Well Sofia's first fashion show is happening in New York for Fendi. She will be walking the runway and also modelling for their upcoming fall collection."
"Oh that's great news. When is it?"
"The flight to New York is tomorrow morning at 6 and you have to go with her. No auditions for the next little while so thats the only thing you could do for yourself"
"Okay bye." I said and turned off the phone.

I went out and bought some food for her. I knew she likes Taco Bell so I got her that. When I got back. I woke Sofia up smiling.
"Grayson what is it" she said curiously.
"You have a fashion show in New York with Fendi!" I exclaimed. Sofia jumped out of bed and jumped into my arms.
"Oh my god, Grayson. How?"
"Well Natalie told me and besides you deserve it for sure. I'll be there too to support you " I kissed her on her forehead. She started crying and I hugged her for a while.
"Come on now. Let's eat! I got Taco Bell. We have to pack. The flights at 6 a.m tomorrow."
"Yay. I really thought this was going to be the worst day ever and it became the best."

After dinner with Sofia, we started packing her bags for the trip to New York for fashion week.
"Okay Grayson which jacket?" Sofia said holding up two jackets.
"Uh this one it makes your eyes even more beautiful" I said pointing at the red jacket. She smiled and put it in the suitcase.
"Hey I was just wondering, why were you so sad that I slept with another girl. We aren't dating in reality" I said quietly.
"Oh um. I was just scared that um you broke the contract" Sofia said whole looking down. To be honest I had wanted to hear something else but I didn't know what it was.
I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"Well it won't happen again. I'm sorry" I hugged her for a while.
After an hour of packing and a phone call with Fendi, I went home to got to bed.

When I got home, Ethan was sitting on the couch on his phone. I decided to tell him about how Natalie wanted us to restart our YouTube channel again.
"Yeh Gray I'm ready. To be honest I was just waiting for you to be ready again." We hugged for a little while. My twin was my soulmate and he understood me more than anyone on earth.
"I love you, E"
"I love you too, Gray" he smiled and went to bed. The time had come for me to chage now and become the Grayson that everyone wanted. I couldn't let my fans, friends and family down. It was going to be hard but I was going to do it. I had a sudden spark in me that Sofia had created through the way she got over things and fought through stuff. I wanted to be like her and I realized at that moment, with her too.

Hope you enjoy. Next chapter is the flight and first day in New York!
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