Chapter 59

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*Sofia's POV
I started walking back towards my car because I was feeling really anxious and nauseous.

My phone suddenly rang and I took it out of my back pocket. It was Dad.
"Hey Dad, what's up?" I asked.
"Sofia, mom's waking up and her heart is stopping. She's calling for you. Come fast, Beasty.... before it's too late."
"Oh.... ok dad I'll be there in 5 minutes. Tell mom to hold on." I ran to my car and yelled back at Corey to get in fast.

I turned on the car and quickly backed out of the parking space and onto the road.
"Sofia, what happened?" Corey asked.
"My mom. She's awake. I need to see her fast before she leaves us forever."
"Okay, be careful!" He swerved my car from falling into a ditch and I snapped out of my daze and focused on getting to the hospital.

I quickly got there in 5 minutes and ran to the emergency ward and to mom's room with Corey quick behind me.
I slammed open the door and saw the doctors putting in IV's and mom breathing really fast and it was all panic mode.

"Mama! I'm here, mama. Look it's Sofia, your baby and your husband. We love you mama. We're here."I said, grabbing her hand.

She looked at me and squeezed her hand.
I smiled between the tears and kissed her forehead. Her heartbeat started slowing down and soon she was asleep.

"Hey, she needs some rest. Mr. Dolan please take your daughter outside. You can see your mother when she wakes up." The nurse said.

Dad took me outside and Corey hugged me tightly as soon as the door opened.
"How is she?" He said in his soft voice.
"She's doing better now. She's asleep."
"Oh thank god." He said and hugged me tighter. After a little while I sat walked a bit far off and motioned him to sit beside me, a further away from dad.

"Hey..." he said rubbing my knee.

"I'm sorry, I had to ruin this day for you."

"No no. It's still the best day of my life." He put his head around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said and glanced up at him.
"When did your mom get sick?"

"Well, it was my Junior year of high school. Four years ago. We found out around Christmas time. Dad wasn't handling it well because the doctors said there was a low rate of survival for this type of Breast cancer. It was the worst Christmas of our lives.... We tried every type of treatment we could. Chemo, laser, everything and she fought through all of them. We were barely making ends meet with all the expenses and stuff but by this time last year, she was almost cancer-free... That's when I decided to drop out of college and come to LA. So that I could help my parents recover from the financial stress."

"How did it come back?" He asked.
"Well, we stopped the treatments so that we could collect storm money for my move to California and it sparked up just like that, in a flash her tumor was growing again and I didn't know if I should leave anymore, I feared that she would die without me by her side." I started crying again.

"Sofia, is I've learned one thing from your mom it's that she's a fighter. She's going to make it and you know why? Because God still has a plan for her. She's going to see her grandchild." He said wiping my tears away and rubbing my belly.

It's on his shoulder for a while as he rubbed his fingers over my belly.
The nurse came up to me and said,
"Sofia darling, your mother is awake and she wants to see you."

I went in the room and started sobbing when she smiled at me,
"Mom, you scared me." I said crying hysterically. I ran into her arms and lay down beside her.
"Baby, I'm sorry. How are you doing?"she asked me.
"I'm good mama, the babies good too." She smiled and looked into my eyes.

Corey came into the room.
"Hey Mrs. Dolan. Sofia, your Dad is coming in a few minutes."
"Who is this?" Mom asked me.
"Umm mom, this is the father of my baby."
Mom smiled at Corey and he wrapped his arm around me.
"You love her, okay?" She said to him.
"I always will, forever." I looked at him as those words stabbed my heart with emotion.
"Hey can you get Rowan?" Mom said and kissed my hand.

Corey left the room and Dad came in.
He talked for a while with mom as I ate some food. I fed some soup to mom but she was only able to eat a few spoonfuls without throwing up. Dad, mom and I laughed and talked about some happy moments in our lives together.
I went outside to take a breather and not have a mental breakdown.

"Babe!" I saw Grayson running towards me with his luggage still on him.
He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks. I hugged him for a while.
"How are you?" He asked me.
"I'm fine." I said, pulling back.
"How's your mom?"
"She's not good at all."
"Grayson, just stop okay. You're so fucking passive." He was starring to kiss me off with is ignorance.

Corey suddenly came back with some food.
"Hey Grayson." He said, awkwardly.
Grayson's eyes filled with anger but he just shrugged his head and nodded at him.
Grayson went inside the hospital room and I whispered at Corey to go home.

Grayson checked on Mom and talked to her for a bit.
He sat down on her couch and I sat beside mom holding her hand again. I started crying into her arms like a little child who was scared to leave their mom for kindergarten.

"Promise me you'll be strong, Sofia." Mom said wiping my tears.
"I will, Mama... but I need you. I can't live without you. I'm gonna die without you."
"Sofia, listen to me. You have to be strong. There is no one else who will keep you up but yourself. I'm fighting this for you." She kissed me on the cheek. I held her hand for a while as we talked about happier times.
"Baby, I want you to have this now."
Mom took off her necklace and gave it to me.
"Show me your necklace that I gave you on Christmas." I took it off and gave it to her. She placed the diamond inside the ring and it fit perfectly.
"Mom, you said that you'd give this to me when you're ready to leave to heaven."
"Mommy, no. No, you have to fight through it."
"I can't anymore, Sofia."
"Dad! Tell her to fight. Tell her!" I yelled, frustrated.
"Beasty, mom and I talked and she can't survive anymore... we have to let go."
"Noooo! Mom I need you... I need you." She kissed my hand and lay back down.
Grayson pulled me away from her and I stood there in Grayson's arms as she slowly closed her eyes and the doctors removed her oxygen tank.

The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, because there was no longer anyone to remember with. It felt like losing your co-rememberer meant losing the memory itself. As if the things we'd done were less real and important than they had been hours before. I had lost my best friend, my birther, the woman who always waited for me to come home from those stupid parties so she could eat dinner with me, the woman who had cared for me more than herself my whole life.

This chapter is very deep to my heart because it is a lot like how I myself lost my mother to breast cancer.
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