Chapter 75

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I woke up the next morning pretty early because I seriously needed to empty my bladder or I would be having bladder infection soon. Grayson's arms were still around me and he was fast asleep. I looked at his wrist watch and it was 6am.

I got up, put my flannel and sneakers on and went to use the bathroom. I emptied out my bladder with relief and washed my hands. I was about to head back to the barn when I heard people talking at the front of the house. I slowly slid closer to them to hear what they were saying while having my back glued to the brick walls.

"Hey old man, tell me, have you seen a young girl with black hair about 5 feet and 6 inches tall anywhere here?" My heat suddenly stopped. It was the boss of the bad guys.
Carl please don't snitch.
"Um no I don't know what you're talking about." He said and I could easily tell he was lying and I assume so could the boss.

"Listen up, I have a wad cash here. You know how much it is? $20,000. If you tell me where she is I'll let you keep it, if not that's your own loss man."

"I'll take the cash." Carl said without hesitating.

"Carl what are you doing?" I heard Julia's voice say.

"We need the money honey, I'm not giving it up for those city folks."

"Carl but-" Julia started but Carl cut her off,
"They're sleeping in the barn. They came here last night asking for shelter." Carl said.
Fuck you Carl.
"They, so there's someone else with her?" The boss said.

"Yes, but not too fast. I wanna see the money and count it first besides I can spot a city folk from a mile away and they sure are from the city and believe me how late they wake up." Carl said.

"Okay we can talk money while my guys go see if you're actually saying the truth." I heard footsteps of the other gang members coming towards my way.

Shit. I had to wake Grayson up and get out of here before they caught us.
I sprinted back to the barn and shook Grayson to wake up.
He was about to say something when I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from saying anything and whispered,
"The bad guys are here looking for us." He nodded.

He quickly got up without making any sound and I took the gun out of the pocket and Grayson put the backpack over his shoulder. We ran out the back into the maze of corn. We ran and ran while I kept the gun ready to aim at any moving object. We heard rustling parallel to us a few rows down and ran faster. We finally made it out and I looked back and could see one of the bad guys catching up. I aimed my gun at him while running and shot his leg. He fell to the ground gripping his leg and I felt a rush of adrenaline kick in me.

Grayson and I kept running when we saw some of the guys already in the woods too.

Grayson quickly grabbed me and we ducked under a bush and I sat there in silence, against Grayson's chest, hoping they wouldn't here my racing heart pounding out of my chest.
I kept my gun ready. Suddenly I saw someone's footsteps. Fuck they had caught us. I looked up and it was Eliot he looked at me with surprise and gulped.

"Eliot please." I whispered pleadingly.
He looked at us and doubt covered his face. I could see him processing it.
"Anything there Eliot?" The boss asked him from a few yards away.
He shot his attention back at the boss, "No, no. Nothing." He said and walked away.

"Okay guys I guess they're still going North. We need to get back on the jeeps and head North too. We can't let them get away again." The boss said and moments later I heard vehicles drive past us.

When they were far enough Grayson and I finally stood up and looked around. No one was around. We both finally caught our breath and I hugged him.
"That was scary." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist.
We started walking South in the opposite direction of the bad guys.
Grayson and I kept talking about random stuff and laughing every now and then. The woods were alive with birds chirping and a lot of small animals like rabbits, squirrels and possums running around.

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