Chapter 46

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I woke up the next morning from the birds chirping loudly. I sighed and shifted in my bed and felt something behind me. I turned around and saw Corey fast asleep, spooning me.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself.

What is wrong with me? Why did I just sleep with him like that? I sighed and carefully removed his large hands from my boobs. I got up and quietly grabbed my bikini from the floor. I put it on and stood beside the bed staring at Corey.

Last night was a huge mistake. It was never supposed to happen. I can't betray Grayson like this no matter how much I'm tempted.

I grabbed some tissue paper from the drawers and a pen and wrote Corey a note.

I'm so sorry. Last night was not supposed to happen. Pls just stay away from me.
I hope u understand - SJ

I got in my car and drove home. So many thoughts were flooding my head but I could only feel one thing in every ounce of my body where Corey had touched me, Regret.

I walked into my apartment and found the girls sitting at the kitchen island. I quickly covered up my emotions with a smile.

"Hi guys!" I said locking the door behind me.

"Why are you coming home in the morning, wearing just a ripped bikini?" Lilly asked.

"It's nothing I was just partying at Nikita's."

"Yeah, I saw on her Instagram story." Madison said, disappointed.

I couldn't keep from lying to my friends and quickly walked to my room.

I turned the shower on to full heat and waited outside. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had flashbacks from last night. How Corey had ripped my bikini top and thong off me with such ease and how his delicate hands roamed my body. I had shivers just remembering. I stripped out of my bikini and analyzed my body. It was covered in hickeys and I could see the marks where he had held me fiercely.

I started tearing up, I had knowingly, fully sober had sex with Grayson's butler, which he had no idea was living with me, let alone rearranging my guts? I hated myself.

I stepped into the shower and stood there clutching my self. I wanted to rip out of my body and not have it as mine anymore. How could I ever have Grayson touch me all over again, knowing that Corey had touched me in those same places, sucked, and licked me in those same places. I cried and cried until my body started turning red from the extreme heat and I turned off the shower.

I stepped out and dried off. I lay in bed for a while until I had the courage to get up and get ready to start working. I went into my closet and wore whatever I found first, not having any interest. It was a Dior tank top and matching sweats.

I tried covering up the hickeys on my neck with some foundation and concealer

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I tried covering up the hickeys on my neck with some foundation and concealer. I looked at myself in the mirror and held back tears. I sighed and tried smiling.

I went to the kitchen and got a piece of toast.

"What are you girlie doing today." I asked cheerfully.

"Sof..." Lilly said and walked up to me.

"What is it?" I asked, knowing what she was going to say already.

"Sof, you slept with Corey right?" She asked.
I could see the disappointment in her eyes.
I stayed quiet.

"We can tell, you forgot to cover that hickey under you belly button there." Lilly said.

"Sof, Corey came over and packed his bags and left without saying anything." Madison said.

I sighed, "it was nothing we were just drunk and got caught up in the moment, okay?" I was getting mad.

"Sof, he looked really hurt." Madison said.

"I'm hurt, can't you tell? I fucking hate myself right now. I betrayed Grayson." I said and started crying really badly.

The girls hugged me and I got my tears out.

At noon I headed to my meeting with Lounge Underwear. The meeting was a success and we discussed all the necessary things too.

I left the meeting and got in the elevator to go home. I got out on the basement level and someone grabbed my hand. I quickly turned around, ready to defend myself. I was relieved when I saw Corey.

"Sorry to scare you but what the fuck?" He said

"I'm sorry, Cor. That wasn't supposed to happen at all." I said.

"I thought this was mutual... we were completely sober. I don't get it." He said.

"Grayson and I aren't completely broken up and just on a break. I hurt him..."

"Then why would you make me even think that you liked me and wanted us to be a thing at all?" He said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Cor." I said, crying as well. I tried grabbing his hand but he snatched it away.

"I did not expect this from you, Sof. You were the first person I trusted and this is how I get treated."

"None of this was because of you." I said in between of tears.

"Well it certainly feels like it." He said and walked away.

I drove home, trying my best to hold my tears back. I went straight to my room and cried myself to sleep.

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now