Chapter 13

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The next day I woke up in Grayson's arms. I felt protected and safe. I felt like I had fallen for him and there was no going back now. He was perfect. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and got up slowly to not wake him up.

I went to the kitchen and found Valentina there
"Good morning" I said.

"Uh yeah." She looked me up and down, "Grayson's clothes? You guys been doing it?" She asked a bit aggressively.

"Oh no, he just lended me his clothes for the night. That's it." I became beat red.

"Don't lie Barbie. I saw y'all making out in the hot tub yesterday." She laughed and walked away. I didn't know why we weren't getting along. I wanted to be friends with Valentina but she didn't like me for some reason.

I texted Grayson I was going home and drove home. I got home and decided to unpack my bags from New York as I had gone to Grayson's yesterday after coming back. I unpacked and cleaned the apartment as Madison and Lilly weren't home right now. I thought about Grayson the whole time and I wanted both the twins to meet my best friends and family as well. I guess Grayson and I are dating but I'm not sure because It was yesterday afternoon that we settled on being friends.

It was 1pm when I got a text from Grayson.
Gray: Let's go to the beach today with Ethan and Valentina.
Sofia: Ye sure. Be at my apartment in a few minutes.

I changed into my black bikini which was really revealing and was basically a thong.

I put on my Gucci flip flops and grabbed my towel, sunglasses, cover up and phone amd put them all in a duffel bag

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I put on my Gucci flip flops and grabbed my towel, sunglasses, cover up and phone amd put them all in a duffel bag. Then I went to the living room.

Grayson came shortly after. I opened the door and Grayson stared at my naked body.
"Damn you really are something, princesa" Grayson said. I could see a boner poking through his pants.

"Oh god Bailey get over your childish hormones and let's go." I said. I put my cover up on and grabbed my duffel bag. We went down to the parking lot where Ethan and Valentina were waiting in his Jeep which didn't have any doors. Valentina was wearing a red one piece bikini and I couldn't help but feel insecure about myself. She was skinny and her boobs were small and cute and she was just beautiful. I got in the front with Ethan and Grayson got in the back with Valentina who instantly put her hand around his arm and started talking to Grayson and Ethan. She was pretty talkative to be honest but I wasn't really interested.

I felt amazing in a car without doors like I was in a golf cart. My hair was blowing in the ocean wind as we got closer and I felt free. This was what I had wanted my whole life, to live this life in the beautiful California, go to beaches, swim, surf and live without my parents, free to do whatever I wanted. I felt free like a bird who had just started flying again after an injury.

We finally got to the beach and decided to tan for a while. I put down my blanket and Grayson quickly lay down on it.
"Um Bailey excuse me?" I said confused.
"Oh come on we can share a towel now. I forgot mine at home because Ethan just wouldn't get up and I was frustrated." He patted the small space beside him and I lay down.
He grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"You look beautiful today you know." He said, stroking my hair.
"Well thank you, Gray." I said and fell asleep under the sun. After an hour, I woke up and went over to Ethan and Valentina.
"Hey guys wanna go surfing?" I asked.

"Oh you surf?" Ethan asked me.
"Doesn't every basic bitch?" Valentina says and strutted off to the water. Me and Ethan followed her quickly. I taught them how to surf but they weren't that good. Grayson came after a while and we played in the water.

After a while of fun, Grayson grabbed my butt and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my legs around his torso and I gave him a quick peck on the lips teasingly.
"You baby girl really can't resist me now, can you?" Grayson said kissing my neck.
I pulled his face up and kissed him passionately, we didn't care that Ethan and Valentina were right there, we couldn't get enough of each other. We break apart out of breath smiling.
"I guess I can't get enough of your sexy self"
I started moving away but then Grayson came down behind me.
"I'm not letting you go that easily, Mamas"

We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I've had in my life has been wrong. He was perfect. This was perfect.

After a while, we get out of the water and pack our stuff and leave

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After a while, we get out of the water and pack our stuff and leave. This time Grayson drives and I sit in the passenger. He puts his hand on my thigh the whole car ride home.

When I get to the parking lot of my building, I get out of the car.
"I'll drop Sofia at her apartment." Valentina says getting out of the car. I felt suspicious but just ignored it.

We didn't talk the whole time in the elevator. As soon as I went in my apartment, Valentina came after me and shut the door. She looked around and came really close to me.

"Listen up bitch. I don't know what your trying to do or what spell you've cast on Grayson but he's not fucking yours. He's mine and he's always been mine. You are just a attention seeking fake, plastic Barbie doll. You can't have Grayson. I've known him and liked him longer. And I deserve to be his girlfriend."

I was stunned but also mad;
"If you're his "best friend" then where were you when he was becoming an alcoholic and drug addict. You just came back after such a long time and now he's different. And by the way I am not plastic. I've worked hard in the gym for this body, missy" I said

Valentina huffed;
"And you missy should know that I know that you guys have a contract and are pretending and I also know you set all this up just to gain attention. I know people and I will ruin your career in seconds so If you want to keep doing your modelling job and keep your and Grayson's reputation decent you better back off and stay away from him or else you know what happens." She grabbed a strand off my hair and pulled it. The she turned around and walks out.

I fell to the floor crying. What the fuck just happened. I couldn't process this. I didn't plan this out, I was just as oblivious as Grayson. I had messed up, I had fallen for Grayson and couldn't imagine not being with him but I had to keep his reputation up because he deserved love from people even if it required for me to stay away from him. Valentina was right. I didn't deserve Grayson. I should stay away from him even though it hits like hell.

This chapter was all over the place. Lol more content coming soon!
Xoxo 💋💋

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