Chapter 73

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*Grasyon's POV

The lights suddenly all went out and my heart dropped. I heard Sofia scream my name. I hastled through the clots of people looking for her.
"Sofia!" I yelled desperately.

I heard some noise towards the back and ran there. I opened the door and saw their van running away. I quickly jumped in my car and went after them full speed.

The van swerved side to side trying to get me off their tail. I smirked and pressed the race harder. I watched as my car went from 80-120km/hr. We got on the empty highway and they kept going at a super fast speed. They suddenly got off the highway and got off onto a remote roadway. The narrow road was surrounded by trees and forest. They accelerated faster ahead of me and we kept going for a good 30 minutes. I thought they were heading even more north outside of California when  suddenly the van made a sharp turn into a opening in the trees. I tried making a sharp turn after them but my car swerved and collided with a tree. My head hit the steering wheel and I knocked out.

༄ؘ ༄ؘ ༄ؘ

I woke up to water trickling down my neck. It was raining and water was getting in my car. It was pitch black outside. Fuck. I had lost the van.
I tried moving my leg to get out of the car but it hurt really badly.
I looked down and a piece of glass was stuck in my thigh.
I slowly took it out and thought about what I should do with the wound. I remember I had a first aid kit in my trunk along with a backpack from the last time I went hiking.

I slowly got out of the car and went to the trunk. I took out the first aid kit and backpack and my bottle of water. I sat down on the seat and cleaned my wound and bandaged it. I drank the whole bottle of water and checked the time on my watch. It was 1 am on May 11. Was I really out for two while days?

I had zero time to waste. I got out of the car and opened the hood to see if I could get it running but I knew deep down there was no hope.
There were wires all out of place and the ignition cable was completely broken. Water started seeping in.
Water plus electricity does not go well. Shit.
The car started fuming loudly and smoke barrelled out. I ran as fast as I could with my wounded leg behind the trees. I covered my self  right before the car exploded and pieces of metal and glass went flying everywhere.
There goes my favourite car. All the fond memories I had with it. All down the drain.

I took a deep breath and started walking in the woods. It was pitch black and I had no idea where I was going but I let the moonlight guide me. All I knew I was in some kind of forest in Northern California.

The rain was only increasing so I decided to sit under a big tree with broad leaves. It kept me dry and I decided to wait until the rain stopped to continue on my mission.

Siting there all I could think of was all the memories I had with Sofia. I remembered the first time I laid eyes on her when parking beside her and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had beautiful green eyes that had a twinkle to them all the time and a cute button nose and full round lips. Her hair was my favourite part, the long dark locks running down to her waist. I remembered all the moments we had and just regretted I didn't cherish them more and more. Before Sofia, I was the worst I had eve been and I was letting everyone down but then she cane into my life and that was also when I found what true love felt like. How it made my heart flutter every time I saw her and touching her body ran sensations down my body I didn't even know I could feel anymore. I know I had been so bad to her and there was no way she would forgive me but I still had to try because without her I didn't think I could live.

My mind went towards darker things and my anxiety made me envision horrible things. Them slashing her, hitting her. I tried distracting my mind from going there but she was surrounded by older men and they could have easily raped her and hurt her or maybe even killed...

I shook my head and got up. The sun was starting to come out and birds were already chirping all around me.
It was 4:30 am now. I kept walking and walking in the dark woods. After about half an hour I heard some steps coming towards me but I couldn't pinpoint which direction it was.

I turned around and boom. The figure ran into me and fell to the ground.
"Please don't kill me. I have seven kids at home. Please have mercy." It said and my heart skipped a beat. I could recognize that voice anywhere.
"I'm gonna shoot you." She said and pointed the gun at me still not looking at my face.

I hesitantly said "Sofia?" And she looked up at me and at just the right time the sun came out behind the trees and light shown down on our faces through the trees.
She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me and we hugged tightly, relieved.
"I thought you were gonna kill me," she said with a chuckle.
"I wouldn't want to hurt your 7 children at home." I said and we both laughed.
"Come on! I had to say something!" She said and we just laughed and I kissed her forehead.

"What happened to your leg?" She said looking down at it.
"A piece of glass got in it." She looked at me confused and I told her the whole story and then she told me what she experienced and I was relieved when she told me they didn't do anything to her. We continued walking until it was super hot outside and we were tired. I checked my watch which was the only thing left that was still working properly and it was 11 am.
We found some rocks and decided to sit down on them.
"What do we do now?" I said.
"Wait! I still have my microphone." Sofia said taking it out of her tank top.
She spoke into it saying, "Hello this is Sofia Jordan. I am stranded in the forest in Northern California. Please help." She said and waited but there was no response.
"They took out my tracker too. Let me try again." She tried again and again but there was no response.
"It's no help. They said the signal could only reach for up to a 24 mile radius." I said and she just huffed in defeat.
We got up and started walking again.

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now