Chapter 67

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"Hey, wake up. We're here." Corey whispered to me while shaking me awake.
I stretched and got up. I checked the time and it was 6 pm. I had slept through the whole flight. Corey and I got off the plane and headed to the arrival terminal. I put my hood on and sunglasses so no one would recognize me. We checked out and headed outside. People were still staring at me and recognizing me. We got in our Uber and drove to Grayson's house.
"Corey, you head to my place. I'm gonna go see the twins." I said getting out of the cab alone.
I waked to the front gate and saw 5 police cars and other vehicles. I went up to one of the officers.
"Hey, can you tell me what is going on here?"
"Sorry ma'am. You have to step back."
"I just want to know what going on!" I said desperately.
"You have to step away or we will have to restrain you." The police officer said pushing me back.
"Hey, let her in." Ethan came out from inside the house.
"She's with me." The officer let me in and I mouthed him a thank you.
"Ethan! What's going on?" I asked him.
He didn't reply. I was starting to get pissed.
"ETHAN DOLAN LISTEN UP. I UNDERSTAND YOUR MAD AT ME BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I yelled in his face. All the investigation people were staring at me.
"Sssh.. Come on." Ethan took me inside and I gasped.

The whole house was trashed.
Everything was lying out of place. There were feathers and fabric all over from the cushions and the couches and all the pictures were thrown on the ground, their frames shattered all over the floor.
"You got robbed?"

"Yeah, but it was weird... they didn't take anything. It was like they were searching for one thing. They didn't take anything that we know of yet.... I don't get it, we have all this expensive ass furniture but they didn't take any of it and just trashed the place and left?" Ethan said confused.

"Where's Grayson?" I asked looking around trying to think of something.
"He's not home since the morning. He said he was going somewhere to relax a bit but it's been more than 2 hours and he's still not picking up the phone."
"Oh okay.. thank you, Ethan." I said. I knew exactly where Grayson was.
I went home and was attacked by my two bestfriends.
They both hugged me tightly.
"Hey guys... that's enough now."
"Sorry, we just haven't been together alone for a long ass time. I missed you." Madison said.
"I missed you guys too." I said, I was so grateful to have my bestfriends through all of this.
"Hey Sofia.. I know yesterday in Paris what happened with you and Ethan... I talked to him and he's really sorry." Lilly said.
"It's okay and we have a much bigger problem to worry about now." I said.
"Yep, we saw the leak. It's everywhere." Madison said.
I sat down and rubbed my head.
"This is a lot to process."
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Go take a shower and change and then we'll try figuring it out together." Lilly said.
"I love you guys so much." I said getting emotional.
"Hey were in this together. Remember in 4th grade when we swore that no matter what happened if anyone of us was in trouble or danger. We would always be there for each other." Maddie said.
"Thank you." We hugged again and then I went to my bathroom and took a cold bath. It was getting really hot here in LA as we went towards May soon.
I went to my closet and put on a black sports bra and matching biker shorts and out on a small windbreaker on top.

I went back to my room and found Corey sitting in the bed

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I went back to my room and found Corey sitting in the bed.
"Hey babe. Where were you?" I said sitting down on his lap.
"I was just in the balcony. Are you tired?" He asked.
"Yeah, but I need to go see Grayson and talk to him." I said getting up.
We went to the living room and the girls had made us some burritos. I grabbed one and headed out the door.
"I have to get going. See ya later." I said closing the door behind me.

I went down to the parking lot and got in my Tesla. Oh my god I missed this car so much. I drove to the Hollywood hills and got ready to climb up the stairs and then hike to the sign.

I watched the sunset slowly creep in as I hiked to the top. I finally got to the top and found someone sitting under the H.
"Grayson?" I asked.
"Sofia." He said in relief and I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Grayson what are you doing here?" I asked. He had a weed blunt in his hand and a bottle of vodka. His eyes were blood shot red and there was blood dripping down his cracked lips. He looked like he was homeless.
"Gray..." I whispered, my voice cracking.
He just looked down and I grabbed the bottle and put it down and threw the blunt away.
"I'm sorry." I said and sat down beside him and hugged him.
He hugged me back and we sobbed in each other's arms knowing already what we were feeling. Alone and scared.
"I missed you baby." He said and tried kissing me but I moved away.
"You heard?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Sof. I was working out in the home gym while Ethan was still asleep and I heard smashing from the living room... I came inside and found everything was trashed and then I tried to find whoever did this and they were in my room. They took the hard drive out of my dresser and I tried stopping them but they had guns and masks on. They kicked me on the side and I fell to the ground and I tried running after them but I wasn't fast enough." He pulled his sweater up and there was a huge bruise on the side of his rib.
"Grayson... we need to go to the ER." I said
"No it's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore."
We stayed quiet for a while and then I said.
"I don't get it. It sounds like they just wanted to get the tape. Nothing else but how could they know we even had one?" I said flustered.
"I know... but I can't handle going back right now. Can we stay here tonight. Together."
"Of course." I gave Grayson a kiss on the cheek and I lay down in his arms.
"I missed you." He said.
"I know. But Grayson you have to get together. You're a mess!"
"I know, I'll get better for you."
Even though I missed him so much, I still couldn't get myself together to admit it. For some off reason I still loved him even though I wasn't ready to forgive him but he was a mess without me.

We fell asleep watching the city lights from the hills in each other's arms.

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