Chapter 4

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"O-okay," she looks at him expectantly but suspiciously. What was she afraid of? "You can ask me a question I'll answer honestly then I'll answer you." She looked at him in amazement. When Taehyung had to think about what he still wanted to play with her, his already excited limb became even harder, he had to bite his lips to avoid moaning loudly. Quickly he pushed his thoughts aside and looked at them expectantly. "okay... So... Why are you here?

Taehyung smiles sadly but decides to tell her the truth. He answered "lovesickness" therefore narrowly. She looks at him seriously and sadly. Did he say something wrong? Apologizing, she looked at him. "Do... Sorry... I didn't know" What did she apologize for? she hadn't done anything wrong! To take away her insecurity he makes a throw away hand movement. "She smiles at him sadly. Taehyung didn't want her to be sad. He wanted to see her laugh happily. How her eyes shine like the brightest stars and he can see her snow-white teeth. A pleasant feeling spread in his stomach at this thought. Her sweet voice ripped him from his daydreams. "Well, I guess we have something in common" Had Taehyung interrogated himself? He looked at her stunned. "Who gives such a beautiful girl such great sorrow?" She looked at him with reddened cheeks. God had never seen anything so sweet before. She gave him the feeling of having to protect her. "Well... My friend has... betrayed me"

Taehyung opens his eyes in shock. Her boyfriend had betrayed her?! First of all, what a coincidence that was!

Second, who would cheat such a girl?!

He smiles at her sadly. "Looks like the same fate" Now she is the one who opens her eyes. "Who would please drop a nice guy like you?" A light red shimmer lies on his cheeks. "Thank you" He looks shyly on the counter. Was he just seriously shy? Kim Taehyung the Playboy? He couldn't believe it. "I ... I ..." a grin forms again on Taehyung's face. She had said that without thinking. So Taehyung really had an effect on her. She simply remains silent and stares embarrassingly at her hands. Taehyung drives gently under her chin and forces her to look at him. He smiles slightly at her. She smiles back a bit insecure. "That doesn't have to be pei..." He is interrupted by his telephone. Annoyed, he moans up and pulls it out. On the screen is the name of his ex. Not them again! He looks at Y/N apologetically. "Does it bother you if I go" "No, go ahead" She looks at him sadly. He feels a sting in his heart. He didn't want her to be sad. But he had to clear it up now. He takes off. But always looks at Y/N. Looks as she pokes sadly around in her cocktail.

He pushes his nice way aside and speaks coldly into his cell phone.

"What do you want?" Y/N looks at him in amazement. Sure. She didn't know the cold Taehyung.

"No we don't talk anymore! The topic is through!... No but. And your Tae you can push yourself somewhere else"

Y/N looks at him with understanding. She could obviously imagine who was at the other end.

"Go back to Jungkook and get your brain fucked out!"

With this sentence Y/N swallows herself at her drink...

Same Fate - (BTS | Taehyung FF) EngWhere stories live. Discover now