Chapter 15

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Joy tears form in her eyes. "And I can only do that on one way" Y/N looks at him waiting. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Shocked, she opens her eyes. Didn't she want to? "M...are you really serious...? I...I mean we've only known each other for a few hours... "So that was the problem. "And we had sex. I think you learn a lot about each other."

Perversely, Taehyung grins at her. "For example how it sounds when you moan my name and the baby, I definitely want to hear more often." She looks away ashamed. "You must think of me I am the last bitch" You a bitch? Why would she think that? "What would I be then? A call boy" asks Taehyung laughing. No amusement is reflected in her face. Tae gently caresses her cheek. "Come on. You're way too innocent to be a slut. Slowly he bends down to her. "Good thing I'm standing on innocent." Pouting she crosses her arms. "I...I am... G..gaar not innocent..." Taehyung immediately falls into the scene in the car "You didn't look at that in the car. I call that innocent." Without understanding she looks at him. "There I had slightly indecent thoughts" admits Taehyung embarrassingly touched. How these lips would suck on his limb. Argh Stop! Don't get hard again! Taehyung called himself to reason. With reddened cheeks Y/N looks away from him. When she suddenly opens her eyes in shock. "Wait..." Disappointment is reflected in her eyes. Did Taehyung say something wrong? "Then you had it from the beginning only on sex" tears rise into her eyes. No . No! she should not think such a thing! "No! you have provoked that! The water runs down her cheeks. Taehyung didn't want her to cry. She should laugh and radiate with energy. Just to be happy. Carefully ef strokes her cheek. "I didn't" comes sobbing from her. While she wants to beat Taehyung's hand away. But this one stops her. "You took advantage of my situation" she thinks of him so badly.

"If I only wanted sex I would have let you go and gone to the next one" That was true. If he hadn't already found her interesting in the bar, he would have let her go. "Besides I want you as my girlfriend and not as Onenightstand" says Tae affectionately to her. Slowly she stops crying and looks away sadly. "Who would want to be with me?" a bad suspicion forms with Taehyung. "Did Jungkook put that in you?" Sadly she looks at the ground. That was then probably a yes. "I'll kill him" She suddenly looks at him with big, howled eyes. Taehyung couldn't control himself anymore, he gently kisses her. It was as always such an exhilarating feeling. Taehyung felt comfortable with her. She nestles gently against his chest. She seemed so fragile in his arms. He had to protect her. His girl. Lovingly he looks at her. "Do you want to be with me? And forget Jungkook? And start over with me?" He looks at her expectantly. She clings even tighter to him. "Yes Taehyung I love you so" he gently strokes her head. It was time. She liked him without knowing it. "Y/N? she looks up at him. Gently Taehyung drives over her head. Breathe deeply again. She looks up at him expectantly.

"I am V" She immediately opens her eyes and lets him go. "You're kidding me" gently Tae pulls her back. "No close her eyes" A little hesitantly she closes her eyes. Taehyung strokes through her hair and gently begins to sing. Y/N nestles closer to him. When Taehyung is finished she opens her eyes and looks at him touched.

"I love you Y/N"

Maybe it was too early to enter into a relationship? Maybe she wouldn't hold? But maybe it was.

But one thing was certain. They could always talk openly to each other. They could trust each other with their worries and fears. They would always understand each other and give each other strength.

Because they...

shared the same fate



That was the final of Same Fate and we hope you had a lot of fun reading <3

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As of today, the second volume of the Domination Chronicle has been unveiled. We would be happy if you drop by in Domination - Secrets ~

In addition, another project is already in the works, which you can look forward to UwU

Many thanks to all our faithful readers and fun browsing!

- Your Vmin-line

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