Chapter 10: The Void Emerges

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          ~~~ (Y/N) POV ~~~

     Blue Diamond got up.

Blue Diamond: "I need to go, but Ruby and Holly Green can continue your training."

     She turned and left. I sat down, my chest feeling much better. I looked at it. How am I not dead? How did I not die in space? Why is this happening? My thoughts were interrupted as foot steps approached.

Holly Green: "Hello (Y/N). It's time to resume your training."

     I stood up and followed them to the arena. The walk was silent, and it was much easier to ignore the other gems as I was focused on Ruby and Holly Green, though Ruby had lagged behind. Holly Green and I stood in the center of the arena. Holly Green took out her sword.

Holly Green: "So, now we have basic combat, but let's see what else you can do. Go ahead and show us something."

     I stood there and thought, trying to think of what I could do.

(Y/N): "So far, I can't do much on command. That's kind of what we are here for."

Holly Green: "So, that fire was a one time thing?"

     I opened my mouth to say something, then remembered one of my first encounters with the gems. I don't think Garnet is going to be very proud of what I am about to do. 

(Y/N): "Well, there is something I can do, but it isn't very useful."

     I closed my eye and imagined a small flame. Then I imagined it growing, as I embraced it, and let it embrace me, the black and purple flames surrounding me. I opened my eye and looked at my arms, to see that's exactly what happened.

Holly Green: "Yes, you are right. That is not very useful at all. Is that it?"

     I nod.

Holly Green: "Have you ever managed to actually do something useful in the past."

(Y/N): "Well yes, but-"

Holly Green: "Okay, then try to think, what is the difference between right now, and the time you managed to actually do something?"

     I looked down, and I thought. I then started to realize something. I felt hurt when I projected my emotions, I hated myself when I created that wall. Are my powers based on my hatred and pain? My sadness? I looked at my hands.

Holly Green: "Are you going to answer or what?"

     I closed my eye. Thinking of all the times I let my family down, all the times I pushed people away, upset my friends. I started to cry. 

Holly Green: "Come on, what's making you upset now? We didn't even do anything yet!"

     I opened my eye and ran at Holly Green, fist reeled back. Her eyes grew wide at the sudden aggression, and jumped back as I punched forward. A large spike of ice grew up and forward from the ground.

Holly Green: "Well that's progress, I guess. What pitiful thing did you realize to do that?"

     I lifted my right leg and kicked at her. She jumped back again, but this time a small bolt of electrical energy flew forward and hit her. It wasn't enough to destabilize her, but it was enough to get her on her knees. I looked down. Oh of course. I can only do things when I feel sorry for myself. Kind of pathetic, isn't it?

Holly Green: "What was that!? Filthy human!"

     I stayed silent, and just sat down. Ruby finally made her way into the Arena.

Ruby: "What happened here?"

Holly Green: "This ignorant weakling just attacked me!"

Ruby: "Well, it seems your making some progress at least. What did you do?"

Holly Green: "I have no clue, they just made some sort of 'silent realization' and went for it."

     I got up and started heading toward the exit.

Ruby: "Where do you think you're going!?"

(Y/N): "Training's over."

Ruby: "It's over when we say it's over!"

(Y/N): "Shut up."

     Ruby got angry. As my back was turned I heard the sound of a weapon being summoned, I got a flashback from yesterday and my chest hurt again.

(Y/N): "Not again!"

     I closed my eye as I curled up and hugged my legs to my chest, waiting for the pain. Instead of pain, I heard a gasp. I opened my eye and saw the Javelin was gone and Holly Green no longer had her sword. The arena looked like it was a little darker, like night had fallen. Ruby tried to summon another Javelin, but the light that formed from her gem didn't materialize or make a shape, instead the light just traveled to me into my gem. I backed up, the edges of the arena seemed to brighten as the brightness quickly continued to fill the arena, the light traveling inward until the entire arena was bright again. Ruby summoned her Javelin again, with a small amount of difficulty. I felt like a fight was about to start so I tried to summon my weapon, but instead, I found myself holding Rubies Javelin, but black. Ruby and Holly Green looked at me. I dismissed the Javelin, and summoned it again. I dismissed it again, and this time I summoned my karambit. I looked at the two gems again, dismissing my weapon and turning around, leaving the arena.

          ~~~ Yellow Diamond POV ~~~

     Blue had come into my control room, talking about that human she is so fond of.

Blue: "They have to be connected to Pink somehow. They remember the parties they threw."

Yellow: "Oh stop it Blue. Can't you see you are just deluding yourself? Looking for the smallest thing that could link to Pink?"

Blue: "But they knew the position of the thrones. They've never been in the throne room before, yet they remember how it looks. That has to mean something."

Yellow: "Fine I will put an end to this."

     I got up from my command station and walked out of the room, heading to where Blue said she was keeping that 'precious' human. They were sitting down, facing away from the door. I charged my arm and pointed it at that insufferable creature.

     ~~~ (Y/N) POV ~~~

      I heard the doors open. I assumed it was Blue Diamond, and waited for her to say something as I was lost in my thoughts. Until I heard a buzzing, my hairs started to stand on end, I turned, my eye widening in fear as I saw Yellow Diamond there, hatred on her face. She pointed her hand at me. I curled up and closed my eye, hoping that whatever happened in the arena would happen again, hoping that I wouldn't get hit. Unfortunately, that did not happen as I felt the energy hit me. I uncurled and arched my back as my nerves screamed, electricity flowing through every part of me. It hurt so much, but I was mostly scared, scared that the pain wouldn't stop, scared that she wouldn't stop at this, scared that she would do something worse. The pain, finally stopped, as the room darkened. I breathed heavily as I fell off my bed and blacked out.

     ~~~ Yellow Diamond POV ~~~

     I stood there in shock. I felt something. It felt like so much, but in there. It was definitely Pink. Somehow, she was there, in them. I heard footsteps approaching.

Blue: "Yellow please, don't do this. You'll see just... Yellow?"

     I turned to her, my face still full of shock.

Yellow: "You were right. I felt her. It was, faint, there was so much static, so much nothingness. But in that nothingness, there was Pink."

Blue: "Oh my, I, I can't believe. She's really here?"

Yellow: "I don't know. But you were right. They are connected. There is one thing we must do first."

     I turned my head to look at them.

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