Chapter 24: Father Bonding

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          ~~~ Time Skip ~~~

     I got up and went downstairs. I grabbed some breakfast as Dad came downstairs, very tired. Another all nighter. Every work night. That isn't really a healthy habit, but then again, I pass out way too often. He looked over to me.

(F/N): "Hey, wanna go on another trip to the morgue with me? You know, just like old times?"

    I squinted at him.

(Y/N): "You only ask me to come along when you want to teach me how to do your job for you, and then do it. Which is everyday."

(F/N): "Yes, but, you used to always say yes."

(Y/N): "Yeah well, you always made it sound like some game."

(F/N): "You had fun didn't you?"

(Y/N): "You taught me to play with corpses. Thank god that lesson didn't stick because I could be on the news for being some mass murderer."

     I shook my head.

(F/N): "I don't hear a no."

(Y/N): "Yeah whatever, just finish your breakfast and get in the car."

     I shook my head again as I walked out to the car.

         ~~~ Time Skip ~~~

     We walked into the police station. Most of the officers practically knew me by name.

Officer Gary: "Man, (Y/N), you should be the one getting paid with how much your father puts you through."

(Y/N): "Oh come on, if I got paid he would just use that as an excuse to just drop me off here and sleep in all day."

(F/N): "That's absurd."

(Y/N): "I'm not hearing a no."

     We made it into the morgue that was int he back of the station.

(F/N): "So how much do you remember?"

(Y/N): "Everything, but I am not actually gonna do anything this time. It's my turn to sit on, 'the table' and watch you work."

(F/N): "Oh please, like you could actually..... wait. I can't use that anymore can I?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I can probably bench like a million times your weight."

     He squinted at me.

(F/N): "I can't tell if you are exaggerating or not."

(Y/N): "Of course I am exaggerating. A million times your weight? Please, that is just unreal, no matter how much magic is in these muscle, that is defying physics way too much."

(F/N): "Well how am I supposed to know that? You've done some insane stuff that I can still barely believe. If I didn't see you disappear from the front of the house yesterday I still wouldn't believe you could teleport."

(Y/N): "Well, you know. It happens."

     (F/N) started to work as they talked.

(F/N): "Well at least we can still talk, and I don't have to do this whole thing alone in silence. So boring."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I bet it would be. While you are working I should probably do some meditating and weapon summoning to practice, because why not. Universal peace or not, it's still good to be on top of your game."

(F/N): "Oh yeah, while I cut into dead bodies, you get to practice magic. Sure, that's fair."

(Y/N): "Well my magic is all about anti magic soooo."

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