Chapter 22: The Summons

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         ~~~ TIMESKIP ~~~

     We arrived at our house. It was two stories, there were plenty of rooms, one for Mom and Dad, one for me, one for the T.V., one for the home gym, and many more.

     I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk and made my way inside, going up to my room. I unpacked my suitcase and went back downstairs. Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch.

(M/N): "(Y/N), come sit down. We need to have a talk."

     I nodded as I sat on the chair across from them.

(F/N): "First of all, (Y/N), we should make sure you understand. We didn't send you away because we couldn't stand you. We sent you away because we know that having parent's fighting can be stressful and worrying for a child, especially when they have to listen to it every day and we didn't want to get you caught in the middle of this."

    (M/N) nodded.

(Y/N): "I understand. Though, at first I did feel like it was because of me, but, I get it now."

(F/N): "But now, you should know that we have made up, and we talked through our problems."

(M/N): "And we are sorry that it seemed like we were pushing you away. We were just concerned. But now we can live together as a family, though things aren't going to go to how they were before, not exactly. There will be some changes, but it is for the better."

     (F/N) nodded.

(Y/N): "I see. Well, I also, have something to talk about."

(F/N): "Of course. What would you like to tell us?"

(Y/N): "When I was in Beach city, I met some friends, and they were like me, mainly Steven. I am not the only person with a gem."

(M/N): "Wait, (Y/N). Are you talking about your eye? There is someone else with one?"

(Y/N): "Yes, but it isn't in their eye. It is in their bellybutton. But, I found out where it came from, and I found out, I can do a lot of things."

     (F/N) and (M/N) look at each other, and then turned back to me.

(F/N): "Do you want to talk about it?"

     I nodded.

(Y/N): "First of all. My eye is a gem. Steven had a Pink Diamond in his belly button, and it is also important to say that, in terms of our gems, we are half brothers, or more accurately we are... hold on..... different parents, so that's one half, and then one out of five so, 1 half of 1 fifth. We are one tenth related."

(F/N): "Wait, so this, um, gem, makes you related to some kid in beach city?"

(Y/N): "Yes, but only technically speaking, and even then it is confusing, and only when looking at the origin of my gem."

(M/N): "You know where your gem came from?"

(Y/N): "Yes, it is very complicated, so to tell you where it came from, I would first have to tell you about what a gem is, what a fusion is, and the war that happened five thousand years ago."

(F/N): "War? Fusion? What?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, exactly, it's a lot."

(F/N): "Well, I guess we should get ready to have our minds blown."

     I smiled and started to explain everything, from the gems, to the war, to my gem, and what I can do with it.

     By the time I was done explaining it was late at night, and we had to call it a day. I sighed before heading to my room and laying in my bed, my lights on. I didn't close my eye, and I didn't sleep either. I stayed in bed and waited for day to come.

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