Chapter 33: Biting the hand that feeds

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          ~~~ (Y/N) POV ~~~

     I sat on my meditation mat. I reflected on myself, and my void, but this time, I looked deeper, as well as I could. As I looked into the void within myself, I watched, I waited, and I listened. After a moment, I found something. A voice, echoing throughout the emptiness. Anger, desperation, and a feeling of emptiness resonated through the void.

Haunting Voice: "Sooooo, empty. Soooo hungry. Neeeeed to eat. Neeeeeed to consume."

Haunting Voice: "Can't you feel it? Aren't you so hungry? So empty? Aren't you so hollow? Doesn't your hunger echo through you?"

     I felt an urge, an urge to just eat, and eat until I couldn't eat anymore, and then to eat even more. I am not empty, I do not need to eat.

Haunting Voice: "NO! You do, you need to eat! You need to Consume! You need to fill the void inside of you! Consume everything! Consume everything, so that I may consume you!"

     The voice started to fade as it went away. I opened my eye and let out a deep breath. Standing up, I heard the door to my room slide open.

Blue: "Come on, it's time to train some more."

     I turned to her and nodded.

(Y/N): "Okay, let's do this."

Blue: "By the way, White, Yellow, and I have decided it would just be easier to make a personal arena, so we now have one here in the palace."

     I followed Blue as she turned and walked away, going to the new arena. When we arrived, Blue stood at the far end of the arena, which was a larger size then the other arena, is it for Diamonds. I made sure to keep my aura suppressed, and I got into stance, when suddenly I heard the voice again.

Haunting Voice: "Oh, more food. Perfect, more food. If you don't use me, then I will use you. No matter what happens, in the end, one of us will be using the other."

     The voice chuckled as the edges of my vision turned orange. Blue had made her way toward me and kicked me. As I flew into the arena wall, I didn't feel anything, just, kind of empty.

(Y/N): "Wait!"

Blue: "Your enemies won't wait for you, you need to..."

(Y/N): "No stop! This is making it worse!"

Just as Blue had landed her second punch, I felt just a little bit less empty, but still very empty, my vision had gotten a little more orange with each attack.

Blue: "What?"

(Y/N): "The, Orange in my gem, I have new abilities, but I also have this voice now. It's like it is its own person and voice. It is absorbing the damage and getting stronger, if we keep going it's going to just get stronger."

Blue: "What?"

          ~~~ Wrath POV ~~~

Wrath: "So, Pride. Do you think Lust might be right? That they will turn down our offer?"

Pride: "Well, if they do, we have all the time in the world to try to recruit them, but they won't. Once they start to realize the truth, they will see that we are their only option."

Wrath: "Well, according to Envy, they have been through a lot. What if the voice isn't enough."

Pride: "It's one thing to go to hell and back. It's another to have a voice in your head that grows with you, telling you to do things, and if they have a lack of control, then that voice, is going to be able to do whatever it wants, and make it even harder for them to GET control. Trust me, they will come to us on their own. It's just a matter of time."

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