Chapter 13: Steven's Trial

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          ~~~ TIMESKIP ~~~

     There was a flash of light as I was brought into a room with Steven, Lars, Green Zircon, a blue Zircon, Yellow, and Blue.

Green Zircon: "And for my second eye witness: The one who recalls the events from the eyes of Pink Diamond herself."

     Steven looked at me in shock.

Green Zircon: "You claim that Pink Diamond was in front of her palanquin when she was struck down, correct?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Green Zircon: "And you remember Pink Diamond being taken while her form had been dissipated?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

Green Zircon: "There you have it. Rose Quartz abducted Pink Diamond, and that's Rose Quartz. I rest my case."

     She pointed to Steven.

Blue Zircon: "Oh she is good."

Yellow Diamond: "Well I am convinced..."

Blue Diamond: "Not yet Yellow. The defense still has to speak."

Blue Zircon: "Right, well uh, before I start my very, uh, thought out, defense. I'd like to, remind the court that Rose Quartz, did, turn herself in."

Yellow Diamond: "The court remembers. And the court, does not, care."

Blue Zircon: "Uh, of course. Uh, in-INNOCENT, uh the word innocent can mean, oh, many different things-"

Steven: "I DID IT!"

Blue Zircon: "What!? Stop!"

Blue Diamond: "No. I want to hear what she has to say."

     A pillar was raised with Steven on it so Blue could hear him up close.

Yellow Pearl: "State your name for the record please."

Steven: "I, um, I am Rose Quartz. I am guilty."

Blue Zircon: "Wait, no don't say that."

Steven: "Everything you guys said I did, I did. And I did it by myself, I'm sorry, I'll accept any punishment you want to give me. Just let him go. And them. And leave the Earth alone."

     Steven pointed to Lars, and then me.

Yellow Diamond: "Hah, sounds like a solid confession to me."

Blue Diamond: "How. How did you do it? How did you abduct Pink Diamond?"

Steven: "Um, well, I did it on Earth. In front of Pink Diamond's palanquin, I was probably like 'Stop', and she was all like 'Nooo.' so we fought. I think. And she probably did some cool moves..."

     Blue Zircon was banging their head into the pillar, while Green Zircon was looking at her fingers with a smug grin.

Steven: "... I probably did some cool stuff too. There was some jump kicks and stuff. I was most likely deeply conflicted about decided to sh-abduct, her. Definitely crying. I probably used, the breaking point to do it."

Blue Diamond: "It was a sword!"

     She put her hands on her face and burst, the room glowing blue as everyone started to tear up, except Lars.

Blue Diamond: "You, dissipated her, with a sword."

Yellow Diamond: "That is quite enough testimony from you. We shall take a short recess."

          ~~~ TIMESKIP ~~~

     I was back in the room I was in before, Green Zircon had joined me in there.

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