Chapter 14: Finally Home

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          ~~~ (Y/N) POV ~~~

     As we were falling Steven bubbled Lars and himself to protect from the impact. I took a look at the scene in front of me before the impact, a spot that would definitely be clear of debris. I disappeared into my void world, and reappeared right in front of the crashed palanquin. Steven got debris off of Lars.

Steven: "Are you okay?"

Lars: "Thanks to your bubble."

     Steven went back to the debris, pulling and digging.

Steven: "(Y/N), (Y/N), where are you?"

(Y/N): "I'm right behind you."

     Steven and Lars turned around to see me standing there.

Steven: "Oh my gosh. We thought you were lost in Korea, or somewhere else."

(Y/N): "Oh, sorry to worry you. I was stuck on my own little side mission. I learned a lot of new cool tricks."

Steven: "Like what?"

(Y/N): "I'll show you later, right now we need to start moving."

Lars: "Dude, those giant ladies were furious with you."

Steven: "They're the Diamonds, they have been after my mom for six thousand years, and now they're after me. Come on, (Y/N)'s right, we gotta move."

     We started walking.

Lars: "So (Y/N), I feel like we haven't talked much, or seen each other a lot. Did Steven drag you into this?"

(Y/N): "Oh, no, not really. My gem did. Steven and I are the only two people like this. Probably."

Lars: "So you have crazy magic powers too?"

(Y/N): "I wouldn't call them crazy, but yes."

Steven: "I can't wait to see what you can do!"

(Y/N): "Well you gotta."

Lars: "How are we supposed to get off this planet? Do you even know where you're going?"

Steven: "No, this is my first time here too."

     They looked at me.

(Y/N): "I haven't been here that long, and I definitely haven't been to this part of the neighborhood."

Lars: "Guh, this is so messed up. What are we gonna eat?"

Steven: "There's tons of food if you like rocks for dinner."

(Y/N): "Mmmm, they have great mineral content, but no nutritional value, plus, they go straight to your hips."

Lars: "Salt is a rock right? Maybe we can season some dirt and make a meal."

Steven: "Wait."

     Steven put his hands to his ears and listened. Lars's stomach growled.

Lars: "Sorry."

     Then something appeared behind us, a drone of sorts.

Steven: "Ah, they found us! Run!"

Lars: "Wait. If we stand perfectly still they won't see us. I saw it in a movie once."

     I hit him on the head.

(Y/N): "That was Jurassic park. It's about dinosaurs not robots."

     The drone scanned them and identified Steven's gem. The drone rotated and started to build up energy.

(Y/N): "That is definitely a sign to run."

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