Chapter 11: I Am Nothing

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          ~~~ TIMESKIP (Y/N) POV ~~~

     I woke up in a bed, and looked around. The room looked different then before. There was a desk of sorts now. There was a lounging chair across the room that faced two other lounging chairs that were of a, missive, size. I got up, though I felt uncomfortable. There was still electricity in the air, making my hairs stand on end. I walked over to the new window that looked over Homeworld. The world was full of many bright colors, it seemed like a futuristic utopia fantasy. I felt out of place here. I am weak. I can't control my abilities, and I can't even protect myself from a single attack. I heard footsteps, they didn't sound loud enough to be Blue Diamond or Yellow Diamond, and it sounded like a single pair, so it probably wasn't Holly Green or Ruby. The door to my room opened to reveal Blue Pearl.

Blue Pearl: "My Diamond has requested you meet with her."

(Y/N): "I see, shall we go?"

     Blue Pearl nodded and led me down the hallways of the Palace. We arrived at a large blue room which seemed to have a seating area all around the room, like one long continuous couch. There was a small table of sorts where a plate with, what I assume is, food. Blue Diamond sat in the far left corner as she looked out a large window. She turned to us.

Blue Diamond: "Welcome (Y/N), I am glad you could make it."

(Y/N): "Well what else would I be doing? I don't have much of a schedule. Also, I see that my room has, changed. Not that I am complaining, but why? Is there something going on?"

Blue Diamond: "Well after Yellow and I talked, we have come to an agreement. I hope she didn't do anything to harsh earlier."

     I looked down, feeling the static energy still around me.

(Y/N): "Oh no, it wasn't too bad, mainly just surprising."

Blue Diamond: "Oh good. We have prepared some food for you, seeing as you haven't eaten in a while. I still don't get quite why humans need to eat, especially so often, but still, so there you are."

(Y/N): "Oh, thank you."

     I grabbed the plate and started to eat, not realizing how hungry I was until I actually smelled the food.

Blue Diamond: "Now, Holly Green said that your training has been progressing at a moderate pace, but you ended it early yesterday. Were you getting too exhausted?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, sort of."

Blue Diamond: "Have you remembered anything new?"

     I look at her. Thinking for a moment, seeing if anything comes to me.

(Y/N): "No, nothing new."

Blue Diamond: "I see. Before, when you grabbed your head, and you remembered the parties you threw, what was wrong?"

(Y/N): "Well, when the memories emerge, they often come with migraines, I am just happy it didn't persist this time."

Blue Diamond: "That sounds awful. You must be so stressed, but at least you are learning more and progressing."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

     I finished my plate and set it down. Their were footsteps coming down the hall, the door opened to reveal Yellow Diamond.

Yellow Diamond: "Sorry I am late. It's good to see you again (Y/N), I am glad you're doing well."

     Blue Diamond leaned down and whispered.

Blue Diamond: "That's her way of saying sorry."

Yellow Diamond: "Now (Y/N), Blue had asked me to for a warrior of some kind, and I have been informed that the soldier has been training you along side a Ruby. How has your training been going?"

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