Chapter 3

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We followed Tae to the dorms, leaving Yoongi behind. There were five huge, wooden, new dorms standing in front of us and the whole crowd were wowed just by the exterior design. This was quite luxurious. We walked inside and saw a common room, a huge bathroom, a small kitchen and a ginormous bedroom. "Sorry it doesn't look much like a camping dorm..." said Tae.

"Nah I'm sure we will love it" said Jungkook, having a peek in all of the rooms. When we got to the bedroom, I gasped. There were seven beds which all had their own bedside table. The walls were decorated with plain, baby blue paint and there were three large wardrobes which greeted us longingly. Forget Netflix and chill; this was the life. Tae whipped out a piece of paper and on it looked like a list.

"When I call out these names, can these people come and stand behind me with your suitcases okay?" We all nodded. "Kim Jisoo, Lisa Manoban, Kim Seokjin, Y/F/N, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin, you will be staying in this dorm" Yes! I was so happy to be sharing with my friends even though they are boys. My smile quickly faded when I saw Jungkook make his way towards me.

"Glad to be sharing a room with Cindy. I'm sure we will have a great time" he whispered. Namjoon quickly rushed to my side which caused Jungkook to scowl and walk away.

"This will be your room. Stay off each other; we don't want any pregnancy issues..." said Tae

"Only if the baby's yours" said Jisoo, twirling her hair.

"Anyways..." said Tae uncomfortably, "I know Yoongi is strict but it's important to not let it ruin your time here. We will tell you what you will do tomorrow. Oh and also, dinner is at 6:00 so don't be late. Have fun!" Tae walked out of the room and the rest of the group followed him quietly to the other four dorms.

"I have already claimed my bed by the way" said Lisa, plopping herself down on the bed nearest to the window. 

"No I wanted that bed" whined Jin. Tae had only just left and they were already getting on my nerves.

"Can you two shut up" I said. Jin and Lisa both looked at me in disbelief.

"And who are you?" said Jin.

"I am Y/N but I didn't come here to make friends. You two need to start acting your age because you are already fucking with my head"

"Whatever bitch" said Lisa. I started unpacking my suitcase, watching the others chatting away peacefully at last. 

I suddenly felt somebody grab hold of my waist from behind and pull me towards them. "You did great, keep it up" Jimin whispered in my ear and I grinned. This was going to be a long holiday.


6:00 p.m. Time for dinner. Namjoon, Jimin and I walked towards the cafe hurriedly since we were extremely hungry and we were scared that the food would be gone by the time we got there.

The food was delicious: it was spaghetti with meatballs with a red velvet cake for desert. I didn't know what kind of luxurious camp this was but I wasn't complaining at all. "So what do you guys think of the camp so far?" asked Namjoon with a mouth full of food.

"I think it's pretty awesome really" said Jimin. His feet were propped up on the chair beside him and he ate his food joyfully. I looked around and noticed something weird. There were less children than before: around a fifth of the children were gone. I also noticed that both Yoongi and Taehyung weren't there and were replaced by another older looking man. Maybe the other teens were late and they got into trouble? The whole dorm can't be late though...

"Y/N?" Jimin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "I said have you noticed that Jin doesn't really have friends here for the leader's cousin" It was true. Jin sat there by himself. He looked as if he was filming himself eating food. 

"Is he doing some sort of food ASMR or something?" Namjoon asked.

"Nah I think he is just filming himself eat and talking to himself"

We watched in confusion as Jin continued to eat, film and talk to himself when Jungkook sat beside him. "What are you up to weirdo?" Jungkook said. Jin shifted uncomfortably and hid his camera away from Jungkook as Jungkook tried to snatch it away from him. I couldn't stand to watch a second longer.

I stormed over to the two boys and grabbed Jungkook's arm. "Jungkook get the fuck away from him" I said, my face red from anger. I had enough of Jungkook picking on anybody who crossed his path. "By doing all of this, it just shows that you have worse problems yourself and you need help. Stop making other people's lives miserable and just fix up"

Jungkook slowly stood up much taller than me and walked towards me, causing me to step back. Jimin stood up but I ushered him back down. I wanted to deal with this myself this time. "Maybe I do have problems Y/N but it's none of your business. Your life was already miserable before I even entered it. Don't ever mention my personal life again or I will fuck you up. Do you understand?" His large dark eyes turned into daggers and stabbed through my own. In all the five years I have been bullied by Jungkook, I had never seen him like this. Ever.

"We just want you to lay off over people. Maybe if you had more friends like us, you would be happier" I suggested half hoping he would take the offer but also hoping I would never have to see him again.

"Speaking of friends, what happened to your sidekicks?" asked Namjoon, looking around for them. 

"Oh they didn't actually come down from their dorm, I don't know where they went"

"That's really strange. It's almost the end of dinner and they are not back yet"

"Do you think they have been-"

Suddenly the door was pushed open and Taehyung stumbled inside as if he had been running fast from a long distance. "Dinner's over. Bedtime."

One kid tried to protest: "But we still have 2 hours left of the day" Tae glared at him which caused the boy to fall silent and we all emptied our plates and went to our dorms. Still no sign of the missing kids.

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