Chapter 36

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I stood there and stared at Jungkook with my eyes wide open. Jungkook knew how to escape? I glanced at Tae who had a very confused look on his face whilst he too, stared at Jungkook. Jungkook scowled and rolled his eyes. "Look, I will explain whilst you follow me" He grabbed Tae and I's wrist and started striding towards the door we had come in from. When he was convinced that Tae and I weren't going to stand there gawping at him, he let go of us and started jogging through the rooms. 

The next room was all too familiar when the smell hit me. In front of me lay Yoongi, who was thankfully still very much dead. A breathed out a sigh of relief; I didn't know what I would have done if his dead body wasn't stationed in the exact place I had left him. Tae walked around Yoongi's body and examined it closely. "You guys definitely didn't let him die easy" He said. His eyes was fixated on Yoongi's face which was covered in the cuts and bruises I had given him. 


"He deserved it" Tae interrupted. His face had gone hard, signaling that he was angry. Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's back comfortingly. I couldn't agree more with Taehyung; Yoongi had put his family's life and his life at risk all so he could kill some kids. 

Suddenly a thought entered my mind. J-Hope and Kai were tied to the table in the next room and we couldn't just leave them there. They were probably oblivious to the fact that their government was using them for this mess. "Jungkook, we need to free J-Hope and Kai before Boris gets to them first" 

"Oh yes" Jungkook stopped jogging to fiddle around in his pocket until he found the key to the handcuffs. 

"Wait... are those keys for handcuffs?" Tae asked with a high pitched tone. "You handcuffed them?" His voice was full of amusement and surprise and was also clearly displayed on his face. 

"It was Y/N's idea, not mine" Jungkook quickly said, pointing in my direction without hesitation. Tae turned to me and raised his eyebrows, making me rub the back of my neck. I didn't want Tae to think of me as that one person who went too far. First he finds out I beat Yoongi to shit and he knows I had practically connected J-Hope and Yoongi to the table.

"It was a very good idea" Tae said, nodding his head approvingly. "They couldn't have escaped without us allowing them to with the key" Jungkook looked at Tae with his jaw dropped in shock. He then turned his shocked gaze to me and I stuck my tongue out at him in triumph. 

"Of course it was a good idea, bad ideas are not in my vocabulary" I said with a new found confidence. 

We approached the door in a rush; we would have to free J-Hope and Kai as quickly as possible since we had soldiers with guns and out prime minister on our back. However, thanks to my genius plan, it was going to be difficult to untie the long, thick, heavy and deeply tangled ropes off J-Hope and Kai and remove the handcuffs before being shot down without hesitation. Well done for thinking ahead Y/N I thought, scowling to myself. 

Jungkook kicked down the door and started yelling straight away. "J-HOPE AND KAI WE NEED TO GET OUT OF...." Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks and stared straight ahead. Tae and I looked at each other in confusion and slowly appeared from behind Jungkook to witness whatever he was witnessing. My legs became extremely weak and my stomach churned as the sight hit my eyes and I understood why Jungkook had stopped so suddenly. J-Hope and Kai had not escaped.... but they lay slumped against the table with blood pouring from them. They were dead. 

"Woah wait so.... you guys killed them too??" Tae said with a high pitch voice. His face was just as shocked as mine and Jungkook's but his emotions were mixed with disbelief too. 

"No of course not" I said. I made my way to J-Hope and Kai and hesitantly lifted J-Hope's head so I could clearly see what had happened. His hair was drenched with his red, sticky blood, filling my shaking palms, making me assume that they must have received a bad head injury. As soon as I caught sight of J-Hope's face, I squealed in fright and jumped back, letting his head drop back into place. Behind me, I picked up the sound of Jungkook gagging and Taehyung groaning. J-Hope's face was ghostly white and his eyes were wide open as if it was trying to stare into my soul. However, that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that there was a thick, black and bloody hole in the middle of his forehead which was almost see-through if it wasn't for the mushy brains that gushed out of the hole, as if it was desperate to escape. His whole face displayed his last emotions before he was shot: extreme hopelessness as he stared into the eyes of his killer. 

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