Chapter 19

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I jumped up in shock and stumbled backwards, causing me to accidentally crash into the glass which then moved towards me again. You have to be more careful Y/N I thought in frustration. I bent down curiously and stared at the space under the glass. Had I really found the button? I grinned happily, hope flooding back inside me when I saw the red glimmer again. I actually found the button. The only question was: how the fuck was anyone supposed to push it? 

The button was directly underneath my feet in the middle of the box, which made it impossible for anyone to get the button. But there has to be a way, otherwise Yoongi wouldn't have done this. I thought hard and desperately for a solution; I couldn't alert Jungkook and Jin so I had to think of a way myself. In all the other tasks, Yoongi had provided a definite way of escape, no matter how messed up it was. I had a feeling that my route of escape would be messed up too...

I lowered myself down on my knees and touched the glass that was directly under the button. Touching the glass made me think about Namjoon being helplessly trapped in that glass tube, fighting for his life as the raging fire burned him alive. If I only I didn't pass out; I could have said a proper goodbye to my friend. But no. Yoongi had to take that away from me. Why us? What the fuck did we do to him? And how the fuck is Yoongi not locked away in some mental asylum right now? Yoongi fucking ruined my life.

Anger rose to my chest, filling me with ferocious adrenaline. I slammed my hand on the glass directly over the button, and started beating it, imagining that it was Yoongi's face. With every slam to the glass, I pictured the faces of my two friends dying and Yoongi's pretty face becoming unrecognisable due to my beatings. He has killed eleven people in just a few hours. Eleven teenagers. Those kids came here to probably get away from their parents and hang out with their friends, but instead they were murdered in cold blood. 

I felt myself getting hotter and hotter as I kept punching the glass. I didn't care if I got hurt or even died today anymore. I would rather die here than live without the only two people who were properly there for me. I punched the glass harder time as my thoughts went to life without Namjoon or Jimin and... CLICK. I let out a scream of immense pain and fell backwards on my back. My head swirled and I got dizzier and dizzier as I tried to figure out what had just happened. I placed my hand on the glass to support me as I stood up which only caused the walls to move closer to me and me screaming in intense pain. 

The pain was coming from my hand. I glanced at my hand and let out a whimper as I caught sight of my pinky finger almost hanging off the side of my hand. Half of my hand was swollen and had gone purple and blood poured from my pinky finger joint. I must have broken it. Fuck me and my life I thought, rolling my eyes through floods of tears, that's what happens when you don't care about getting hurt Y/N, you dumbass. I peered back at the place where I was punching the glass and gasped in shock; there was blood all over the ground but the glass had not even received a scratch. So I broke my finger for nothing then. Shit.

There was nothing I could do anymore; I had to find another way to get Jin or Jungkook's attention. I stood up, careful not to touch the glass and used the strength from my legs to lift me up. I stared at Jungkook and Jin, waiting for the right moment to do something crazy to get their attention, and hopefully get out of this place. If the walls closed in on me any more than it already has, my claustrophobia would become uncontrollable.

After a few moments, Jungkook turned around to face me but not quite looking at me. His face was full of deep annoyance and he had even gone red from anger. He turned his head towards me which was the cue for me to start jumping around the remaining space I had in the box. I waved my hand frantically in the air, despite the extreme pain I had in my hand. Jungkook's head was about to turn away from me, but he looked up at last and looked at me. I grinned widely and waved at him with my injured hand. He gasped and turned to say something to Jin, before sprinting to me with Jin following closely behind him. 

Jungkook slammed his arm into the glass and gawped at my hand, causing me to flinch as I waited for the walls to close in closer. Nothing happened. Looks like the walls only move if you touch it from the inside. I turned back to Jungkook who was still staring at my broken finger. "What happened?" I saw him say to me.

"I broke my finger and it hurts like hell" I mouthed back. Jungkook scrunched his face which indicated to me that he had no idea what I was saying. Oh yeah, he doesn't know that the box is sound proof. "The box is sound proof" I mouthed. I made sure that I exaggerated the pronunciation of the words, so he would understand this time. But I was wrong. He scrunched up his face even harder and I giggled at the ridiculous face he was making. 

"The box is bloody sound proof Jungkook" I mouthed again. 

"What?" I saw Jungkook say.

Jin punched Jungkook on the shoulder, causing Jungkook to rub it gently. "She said the box is fucking sound proof idiot" I laughed uncontrollably as Jungkook screwed Jin and turned back to face me. 

"Well shit then" I saw Jungkook say and he looked down at the ground with a surprised expression on his face. I remembered the button and waved at Jungkook to get his attention back. 

"Hey, the button is over here" I mouthed to them. Jin moved his face forward which cued for me to repeat myself again. Jin's calm face turned to a face of pure shock and he beckoned for me to continue with what I was saying. Jungkook, however, remained oblivious to what I had just said and stood there, very confused. I beckoned for Jin to come and he moved his body closer. I stepped back to where the button was, knelt down and pointed at the button, causing Jin to run around the box to get a closer look at the button. 

He frowned as he saw the pool of blood that covered the sight of the button. "What the fuck happened there?" he mouthed. I lifted my broken finger and pointed at it, causing him to recoil and gag. I rolled my eyes and used my other hand to wipe the blood off the glass so that Jin could see the button. By this time, Jungkook had figured out what we were talking about and had rushed to where Jin was. As soon as I removed the blood from the glass, Jin and Jungkook gasped at the sight of the red button which was under me all that time. 

"When did you find it?" Jungkook asked.

"I found it like a very long time ago; long enough for me to be able to break my finger"

"So why didn't you tell us about this before?" Jungkook asked, rolling his eyes and scowling. 

I glared at Jungkook and frowned. "Because you were too busy looking for the button for you to notice that I was trying to get your attention all this time" Jungkook's mouth formed into an 'O', which caused me to smile at his goofiness. 

"We can't get that button though because the box is in the way" I saw Jungkook say, as he placed his hands on his hips in confusion. 

"Wait - wasn't the box a lot bigger when we started?" Jin asked.

"Yes" I mouthed, "but every time I touch the walls, the walls and the ceiling close in on me"

Jin furrowed his brows and looked down in deep thought. Jungkook and I stared at him, anxiously waiting for what he was going to say. Suddenly, Jin's eyes lit up as if he had an idea and I waited for him patiently, to tell us what he had in mind. "Guys, I think I know how to get Y/N out of here... but it's going to be very dangerous"

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