Chapter 23

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I directed my attention to Jin who had not even spared a glance at me and instead, he upheld his rotten face and smirked at Jungkook. The tension in the air was toxic; the only thing that could be heard was my rapid breaths and the pounding of my heart in my ears. What was Jungkook talking about? "Jungkook tell me exactly what's going on" I said with a shaky voice. 

"Jin is working with Yoongi" he said. There was no doubt or fear in his voice which made me feel as if he was waiting for the perfect time to tell us all. I gasped inaudibly and spun around in disbelief. That was the biggest piece of shit I had ever heard. How can Jin be working with Yoongi? It just didn't make any sense. Jin was just a calm boy with probably a broken past and a messed up family, right? How can he be working with Yoongi if he saved my life?

"W-what are you talking about? Why would you say that about him?" I asked unconvinced.

"I don't even know where to start" he replied. He too did not spare a glance at me and his eyes was solely fixed onto Jin. His voice was raspy and full of anger as he glared at Jin, sending daggers into his eyes. However, Jin seemed completely unbothered.

"I really want to hear about what you have to say right now" Jin snarled, making Jungkook even angrier than before, which I didn't think was possible. 

"Y/N get behind me" Jungkook commanded and I quickly obeyed him without hesitation. "How about we start with your very weird behaviour. I was suspicious about you from the start. Your calmness and unbothered expressions really had me onto you" Jungkook had a point, but I was still confused about how that had anything to do with Jin working with Yoongi.

"How does that got anything to do with anything?" I asked, trying to keep my calm. 

"Nothing so far, it's just how I started getting suspicious about him" he shrugged his shoulders, redirected his attention to Jin and continued, "but then, you just got stranger and stranger. Your weird expressions, the fact that when someone died, you looked like you couldn't care less..."

I interrupted him hastily. "But how does that mean..."

"Oh my God Y/N, stop trying to defend him and let me finish. We still don't have much time" I rolled my eyes in defeat which cued for him to continue. "You were always so cold and never spoke to anyone and I just thought it was how you coped with shock or something. But then, there was the card situation"

I looked at Jin, had planted a smirk on his face and had a very interested look on his face as he longed to hear what Jungkook had to say about him. I wondered how Jin felt about Jungkook's accusations. Hurt? Anger? Acceptance that he will always be the outcast that I tried so hard to relieve from him? However, the only thing Jin seemed to be feeling was amusement. 

Jungkook cleared his throat and continued. "The cards were always hidden and nobody could find it anywhere. Then out comes the hero, Kim Seokjin, carrying the card in his hands and emerging from dark corners we had already cleared. It happened every single time. Also, the card always had messy handwriting, all but the first one which was printed. Did Yoongi decide that he couldn't be bothered to print a few cards anymore? I don't think so. Somebody was writing the cards out as went along the game and that person was you, Jin"

I stepped back and tried to sink all the information in my head. It was starting to make sense. Jin was always the one finding the cards when nobody else could find them and the cards had terrible handwriting which seemed extremely rushed which showed that he must have quickly written down the tasks whilst we were looking for the cards. "Wow" I whispered. 

Jungkook continued again. "When I first thought about this, I thought let's say that you were writing out the cards, how would you know who to assign the tasks too? Then you helped me figure it out when I noticed that you, Jin, is a very active listener. Lisa coincidentally had a massive secret. How Yoongi know that? I have no idea. Namjoon had a high IQ. How you knew that beats me. However, Jisoo told us that she couldn't swim and so you assigned the water task to her, knowing that she wouldn't make it"

My mind flashed back to Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, Jisoo and I walking into the room with the pool, anxious about whose turn it was to die. Jisoo's words echoed around my head uncontrollably: I couldn't swim to save my life. When Jungkook couldn't find the card, it suddenly appeared in Jin's hands. I shivered at the memory in disbelief. The fact that Jin was the cause of her horrible death filled me with anger and rage. 

Meanwhile, Jungkook wasn't finished: "You knew how much Jimin cared for Y/N so you assigned him to killing her, knowing that he wouldn't do it and he would die. Y/N told us randomly that she was claustrophobic and so you assigned her to a task that specifically targeted her claustrophobia. I don't know why you saved her afterwards but I will get the answer out of you. Now, you saw me kiss Y/N and now you want me to kill her so I would die too"

Finally, it all clicked in my head. Jin was the person behind this, planning the gruesome deaths for him and Yoongi's amusement. My mind back to Jisoo's task when Jungkook suggested that we should help Jisoo out with her task and Jin was quick to state rules that Yoongi had not mentioned at all: each person has to carry out their task on their own and without any support from the other contestants. Yoongi didn't say anything about not getting help so how would Jin know that? 

"You were smart and sly Jin, but you were definitely not smart enough to fool me" Jungkook finished off with a snarl. Anger rose in my chest as I thought about everything Jin had put me through. I wondered why he even had a gun in his pocket; probably to kill us all if we ever found out about what he was doing. All this time I put my trust in Jin. I talked to him, comforted him, hugged him and even kissed him. How could I be so stupid? Yoongi wouldn't put his only family in here to die. He was crazy but not that crazy.

My blood boiled vigorously and I stepped next to Jungkook, ready to face Jin. "How could you?" I said. 

Jin looked at me briefly and smiled. "It was quite easy to carry out to be honest. All of you were extremely gullible. Honestly, I thought at least somebody would be the slightest bit suspicious about why Yoongi put me in here but nobody was and Jungkook is just a bit late. You are very smart Jungkook" Jungkook rolled his eyes and clenched his teeth in fury which only caused Jin to grin widely. "It's just shame that I am going to have to kill you both"

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