Chapter 37

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We all held our breath as the sound of the footsteps rushed past us and I involuntarily jumped when I heard the next door being kicked down. The footsteps then started to fade away and when they were completely gone, I let out a sigh of relief. I turned to Tae and Jungkook who were grinning ear to ear at our accomplishment. "We are still alive guys!" I said excitedly. I pulled them into a group hug and they willingly accepted it. I'm pretty sure they were glad that they were even still physically able to give hugs at this point. 

"So what are we gonna do now?" Jungkook said loudly. His voice echoed and bounced around the tunnel for what seemed like forever, making all our hearts stop briefly.

Taehyung slapped the back of Jungkook's head, making Jungkook frown and rub the back of his head to comfort himself. "Do you want them to know that we are down here?" Taehyung hissed at Jungkook quietly. Jungkook frowned and shook his head silently. "And plus... you was the one who brought us down here. I thought you had a plan?"

"Yeah I did have a plan" Jungkook replied, still frowning and rubbing the back of his head. "My plan was to escape immediate danger... so I brought us here"

I frowned and looked down to my feet. Both of my feet were completely engulfed by the running sewage that was travelling at a particular direction. I followed the water with my eyes and it just lead to further down the tunnel and into darkness.

My trail of thought was interrupted by Jungkook and Taehyung quarrelling as quietly as possible. "So you led us here to get lost in the sewer?" Taehyung exclaimed quietly.

"Not exactly..."

"But that's exactly what's gonna happen...."

"Look - if it wasn't for me, we would all be dead and full of holes right now" Jungkook snapped. True I thought in my head.

"Okay guys, listen up" I hissed loud enough to get their attention but hopefully not loud enough to get unwanted attention too. "The water seems to lead to a certain place so maybe if we follow the stream, it can eventually be our escape route" Jungkook and Tae's eyes followed the stream with their eyes and their eyes lit up when they saw that I could potentially be right. 

"Instead of arguing like a couple of toddlers, you could have figured that out for yourselves" I snapped at them and they lowered their heads in shame. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

We all started dragging our feet along the sewage. The smell of human feces, and possibly rotting human flesh, filled my nostrils forcefully; covering my nose wasn't even able to keep the smell away. I tried my hardest not to look down and witness what I was actually stepping on. It didn't stop my imagination from going wild though: I unwillingly pictured my feet stomping on human waste and wading through dismembered body parts of whoever had died here before. Nausea rose up in my chest and I swallowed it quickly, desperate not to have anything else revolting to trod on. 

It didn't seem like I was the only one: Tae had buried half his face in his bloody shirt to try and block out the smell, and Jungkook, who had no shirt on, looked as if he was going to collapse at any moment. Jungkook was continuously shivering from the cold which made me feel bad since I was using his shirt for my finger. I thought of giving his shirt back but I knew he wouldn't accept it back. Maybe I should distract them so they don't die from the stench? I thought.

Suddenly, my mind went to Tae who still looked like he was in a lot of pain. "So Taehyung" I said. His head turned to me and I saw that his face had gone pale. "How did you manage to rise from the dead?" I asked. We had still not gotten a decent answer to how he managed to save Jungkook and I's lives when he was just shot. 

"Well maybe I wasn't actually dead" Taehyung scowled, rolling his eyes. 

"But we saw you lying there and not moving whatsoever" Jungkook said in confusion. 

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