Chapter 34

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I glanced at Jungkook, turning my head slowly as I tried to digest what Boris had just said. Jungkook jaw hung open in shock and he stood there frozen like a statue. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest; it was as if I could hear it loud and clear. Boris is behind all this? I thought, hoping that it was all a lie. I would have pinched myself to see if I was fully awake but my body was completely unable to move. 

Yoongi was right: we never expected this to happen and we were never going to get out of here alive. Boris brought fucking soldiers just for a couple of teens, just so that to make sure that we die swiftly and smoothly and with no chance of escape. I had thought we had eliminated all our enemies but I was painfully wrong; I have never felt so hopeless in my life. All I could do is stare at the ghastly triumph in Boris' eyes as he still smiled at us happily. 

My whole body went numb as Jungkook's voice filled in the menacing silence. "Why are you doing this?" he asked. His voice was shaky, making me want to grab his hand and comfort him. However, I didn't want to take any chances, especially with men pointing guns at me. Boris smirked at Jungkook and rolled his eyes. To be honest, I would have done the same if I wasn't so frozen in shock. What a cliché question I thought instead. You know you're gonna die when that question is asked... especially in the horror movies, and trust me; this whole experience would make one hell of a movie. 

"Why am I doing this?... let's see..." Boris mockingly stroked his chin and stared high into the sky as if he was a cartoon character in a deep thought bubble. He then scoffed and turned back to us. "We are engaging in a psychological study on fear in humans and obviously needed humans to carry it out on so..."

"The fuck?" Jungkook asked. I quickly glanced at Jungkook who had a look of pure disgust on his face. "So we are like lab rats?" His face was turning red from fury and his hands were clenched so hard that his fingernails were digging into his palm. I quickly took his wrist and he loosened his hand immediately from my touch. 

"Uh uh, before you get all feisty on me..."

"You haven't seen feisty yet bitch" I spat. My mind was slowly but surely digesting the fact that not only was Yoongi broken out of prison to kill people, but he was broken out by my own government and so we can be experimented on too. I was even surprised I was even able to speak after what I had just heard.

"Look I could just kill you both now and get on with the rest of my experiment or you can stop being a bunch of moody teens and listen to what I have to say" I rolled my eyes and turned to face him properly, still holding Jungkook's wrist. Boris grinned, satisfied at the response. "That's what I thought. So where would you like me to start?"

"How about why the fuck we are actually here? And with no bullshit" I said as calmly as possible, trying to keep my eyes on the guns and Boris at the same time. I didn't make it all the way here just to be shot down by a crazy scientist but at the same time, it was hopeless thinking that they won't just shoot me anyways no matter what I did. 

"This whole camp was a set up. The government made the papers and leaflets, informing your parents about this camp. Technically, we didn't kidnap you or anything; you decided to come" Yeah, what a clever way to put it I thought, rolling my eyes. I didn't even wanna be here in the first place. "I broke Yoongi out of prison to help me create the experiment. I chose him because he was a dangerous psychopath and nobody gave a shit about him so he was perfect. Murdering someone and making sure your own cousin and friends came down with you? That was exactly what I needed" 

Boris chuckled as if he was a proud father congratulating his son for being the child he had always wanted. "He was also a clever chap. He put the traps in place, placed the cameras where necessary and even had Taehyung rig your watches whilst you were sleeping to fit the experiment" I gasped as I felt my thoughts click into place. No wonder I felt like time was going so quickly; my watch had been tampered with. We must have completed the game in about two or three hours, rather than twelve. No wonder it looked like it was about to become dawn when I looked up into the sky. I frowned in deep annoyance; I couldn't believe I had fallen for that. I had a hitch but I trusted the game instead of my heart and look where that has gotten me.

Truth or Dare (BTS horror fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu